𝒊𝒗: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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"OWE me?"

I stifle my smile when Freja stared at me in daze and pure confusion.

She literally is looking at me like I'm some kind of problem that needed to be solve.

Staring back at her face, I raise my brows at Freja. Gazing her intently in amusement and satisfaction. Just witnessing different reaction from her gives me different kind of happiness.

The same happiness that I just realize that I can feel for the first time in my living years.

"Just don't mind what I said." I speak as soon as our eyes met.

She is deeply frowning at me with a pouty lips which made me turrn slightly away from her direction to avoid embarassing my self and to stifle my grin.

Pretending to glance over my watch. I give Freja a side glance. "Come on now, everyone might already waiting for us."

"But..." she protested. "I still want to know your answer! Where part did you owe me? I... I can't recall anything!"

Shrugging my shoulders off, I stood up properly and walks infront of her. Stopping at her line of vision.

"Do not over think my words-" I stop talking when I saw her glare at me. "What? Why are you staring at me like that? I didn't do anything wrong."

Yet instead of receiving an answer, Freja turn her head away. I took it as an opportunity to tease her which I know that she will automatically give in.

"You're not planning to go back?" I ask in amuse tone. "I was even thinking of asking Professor Yang for a position of the two of us in legal clinic."

Seeing how her head whipped back on me. That's when I decided to put an act and laugh internally.

With my almost expressionless face and stoic voice. I walk away on her to open the bedroom door.

"Are you coming with me? I had matters to do after our meeting, cannot waste more of precious time."

Without another word mutters, Freja stood up fastly from being seated. She walks on my direction and I made her go out first. When we're in the outside she immediately walks behind me.

"Is what I heard true?" Freja happily inquires as she giggle like a child. "Yah! Joonhwi-ah, is true? It's true right? You're gonna do that for me right?"

She keeps asking me the same question for already a minute. Freja also keeps peeking her head on my side since she's walking behind me.

When I didn't speak anything or confirm her words that's when I felt some fingers placed on my right arm and then after a second of it being put those delicate hands started to move and it ended up tugging my flesh.

"I've heard what you said earlier. I know that I am not just hearing things." When I look down at her, she looks up at me and we are still walking.

"Say it again, I am begging you. Say it again, Joonhwi-ah!"

Turning my head away from her. I felt her touch loosen up and then I stop walking for a seconds to glance over my shoulder and see her giving my back some death glares.

Once our eyes crossed again. Freja rolled her eyes on me and I let my guard down, smirking at her figure.

I face front again and started walking but after I slightly said the words she wanted to her.

𝐋𝐀𝐖 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐢 (On-Hold)Where stories live. Discover now