𝒊𝒙: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

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"WHAT was that Unnie?"

I mess my already messy hair in frustration as I didn't dare to took any glance towards Joonhwi and Yeseul.

When I decided to sit down. I sit grumpily on the single couch.

I should have handled my emotions back there and things wouldn't be this messed up. I am not scared for my self, I'm scared for the effect of my actions towards on Joonhwi's situation.

The news of the argument from earlier had just goes up to the upper officials and the professors of the school. And to my bad luck, everyone of them were all notified to take actions of the said rumors.

"Yeseul-ah can you get your Unnie some soda on the vending machine? I think she needs some refreshment,"

With slightly widen eyes, I panic on my seat. When I was about to stop her from going out and follow the older man's order, I was caught red handed by the now staring back at me Joonhwi.

He had his calm expression and seems that aside from reading me thoroughly, he is also thinking on how to talk me out and making me understand things that I don't.

"Arasso oppa," Yeseul answers, she hesitatedly turn into my direction for a few seconds before looking back to Joonhwi as she finally leaves the room in a quiet manner.

Everything seems turn to cold.

The silence of the room is killing me both externally and internally especially that the way Joonhwi keep his mouth and just study my whole existence makes me tremble so bad.

I'd rather see him being vocal on his words and thoughts than being like this. Not knowing what he thinks is harder than listening to his advice and straight forward remarks.

"I probably doesn't need to ask you about what happened, don't I?"

I bit my lower lip and figedts my fingers.

"I am not mad Freja but I'm a bit disappointed on how you handle the situation."

Joonhwi sighs, he run his fingers through his hair. Frustration is evidently written all over his face.

"Picking-up fights with someone isn't your forte. I maybe glad for the fact that you're just protecting me but your causing harm to yourself." he expressed.

"I know that you're strong both physically and emotionally but letting everything out on that crowd is a very rough move."

Joonhwi clenched his jaw as he furrowed his brows on me. "Luckily the female didn't hit you at all but then what if she got physical on you. I would blame my self for that."

Avoiding the glare that the male has given me. I bit the tip of my tounge to avoid talking back since things would probably go more complicated if I'll fight back.

After a few seconds of not hearing from him. I slowly brought my gaze back to Joonhwi only to see him watching me closely.

He was like penetrating all of my secrets, reading my thoughts and searching for the answers he needed on my face.

My eyes widen as I let out a gasp since I didn't expect him to do it. Panic rose on me when he walks closer to where am I and stop down inches away from my face.

"If you trust me, you'll let me fix my things on my own way," he softly spoke, his eyes are full of gentleness.

The closeness of us made me a little bit dizzy and as I get lost on his beautiful jet black eyes, my head nodded on its own like a responsible puppy.

seven years ago

"Oppa," I glance at the person next to me.

𝐋𝐀𝐖 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐢 (On-Hold)Where stories live. Discover now