𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊: 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒆

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"PROFESSOR Yang seems suspecting Joonhwi Hyung..."

"Han Joonhwi?" I spoke from behind of Bokgi.

I was from out to check somethings when I over heard his conversation with others from afar.

The younger male, looks at me with terrified expression. He must be so startled from what I did.

"Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you." I apologize trying to let out a laugh to ease up things since everyone are looking so tense.

"Are you sure about that?" I asks, glancing at Sol-a who also had a troubled expression, the two of us shared a brief gaze before looking away from each other.

Sol-a bit her lower lip and spoke.

"Yeah. Are you sure about that Bokgi-ah?" her brows furrowed, "spreading things is a serious case, remember that."

Bokgi vigorously shook his head. "That's what I've heard from o-others Noona." he stuttered, "Noona Freja, I swear I am telling the truth.

Letting out a sigh of exhaustion. I get my phone on my side pocket, opening it before dialing Joonhwi's number.

Without sparing any glance at the others. I spoke. "I'll head first, see you in class." I walks past through them as I put my phone near on my ear, waiting for him to answer the call.

"Where are you going Unnie?" Sol-a screams.

I didn't look back at her but I raised my free hand on the air.

It's already been a minute and two yet Han Joonhwi still isn't accepting my call and his phone keeps ringing like crazy.

"Damn it, Han Joonhwi! Answer your fvcking phone please." Getting tired of waiting for his response, I decided to just barge in on the boy's dormitory.

Even though I get a couple of stares from here and there, I never actually pay attention to those and just walk frivolously.

Once I found his and Jiho's shared room, I instantly place my knuckle on the door and was about to knock when it widely open making me face to face with a newly bath Joonhwi.

He has a white face towel over his broad shoulder. His hair is devilish and damp, Joonhwi's lips is even puckering a bit as his eyes are staring at me with full confusion.

"What?" he inquires after, my raging expression turns into a calm one.

"So, Miss Son Freja... can you wait in here in the outside since-"

Without caring about the words he is about so say he has to say. I pushed him back in the inside as I enter his and Jiho's shared room.

I didn't speak or stare back at Joonhwi's questioning eyes. I just laid my back on Jiho's bed and close my eyes tightly.

He didn't still heard about the rumors that had been spreading around and that's good. He for surely wouldn't only feel hurt but betrayed too.

Even before the mayhem of the two, the uncle and nephew duo are very close with each other. I once even thought that Professor Seo is Joonhwi's father.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a sound of clearing throat.

Opening my left eye, I look up to see the black haired guy, hovering me over, looking down at me with both raise brows and hands are on his side pockets.

"Are you also doing this on the other room of your other male friends?" He strictly questions.

"You should be more careful on entering one's private room especially that you're a female. You can't just barge in even though the owner is a friend that close to you,"

𝐋𝐀𝐖 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐢 (On-Hold)Where stories live. Discover now