Love Triangle or Square?

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Krystal's POV

"Fuck" I mumbled while a held my throat. My throat was stinging, it felt like I haven't drank water in ages!

I opened my eyes to find a body sleeping uncomfortably on a chair besides me. I remembered the situation that happened hours before.


I felt my eyes closing and I let my body drown. The water was interrupted by a person splashing in the lake. But it wasn't Luhan cause he left a long time.

The person grabbed both my hands and pulled me out the body of water. I was already dying and I accepted it but the guy started giving me mouth to mouth. My eyes were still blurry from the water.

"Don't die" he said.

He laid a thing on top of my chest before my eyes shut down on me.

-Flashback Done-

I kept touching my lips because the mysterious dude saved my life by kissing me!!

Kris was still asleep on the chair. I touched his hair because it matched my hair color. It was like blond-ish, light brown color.

I remembered him shedding tears and now he's sleeping uncomfortably next to me.

"I never know what goes on your head, Kris" I laughed.

My body was still sore but I hate seating or laying down for too long. It was after midnight and I had no idea where I was. I made sure I didn't disturb Kris when I dragged my body up.

I walked through the hallways with a new set of clothes I had on. Hopefully, one of Niel's sisters were the ones who changed me... or at least his mom.

I felt a little weak but I needed to toughen up. I roamed the castle halls, getting bluntly lost.
"Its not good to walk through these hallways alone, sweetie"

I rolled my hands into a fists.

"I'm fine, Douche. I'm exercising my legs" my back was facing him.

He appeared in front of me in a blur.

"According to this paper that Lay gave me, I'm your bodyguard so from now on, I need to check on you" he read out from a paper Lay gave him.

"Stupid, Lay" I mumbled.

"So how's my pretty little liar?" He asked.

"Huh?" Did he call me a liar?!

"You lied about the incident... twice" He held up two fingers.

I stayed silent.

"First, I doubt Luhan is innocent. I've known them since little. Second, you didn't save yourself and I don't know how you survived, since you clearly don't know how to swim. I'm still wondering why nobody suspected that part"

"Okay look, douche", I leaned on one foot, "The second part, I did not lie... I just didn't mention it"

"This douche... has a name" Niel mocked.

"Of course, its Douche the Dirt Bag" I teased.

"Then I'll call you Amethyst" he squinted his eyes.

How does he know my middle name?!

"My sister told me your middle name, birth date, height, weight, or any allergies or hospital issues" he answered.

"Oh and btw, I'll make sure the chefs don't put pecans on your food.... since you're allergic" it was his turn to put a smugly smile.

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