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To be or not to be...

For the first time, I miss school. I miss the smell of it. My organized locker and such. I especially miss Alex.

"Krystal, we're here" Kris moved my shoulder.

"Huh?" I looked at him.

"We're here" he said again.

"Okay" I stood up from the bed we were in. No, we did not do it. I just felt like resting and he joined me after. The reason why I was unusually sleepy was because I wasn't eating or sleeping right which is normal.

We were greeted my the full moon when we walked out the airplane.

"I'm going for a flight. Go ahead and go back to school" I prepared myself to fly.

Kris squeezed my hand, "Okay. Be careful" I know he wasn't fully sure if he wanted me to be alone at this hour.

A saluted them before letting myself fall off the tall cliff. I flew upright to let my wings be free. I saw EXO and Niel stare at me before they were too little.

I breathed the air and chuckled, "I remind myself of peter pan"

I love flying. That's kinda a basic dream of everyone, flying. But you won't imagine how great it is to feel yourself lighter.

"Nice wings"

"Nice to meet you again" I closed my eyes.

"Nice of you to say that. I kind of wanted to meet you again"

"Well don't I feel special" I swung my hair to my side.

"You knew I was around, didn't you?" he chuckled.

"I'll be lying if I say no, wouldn't I?" I put my hair out of my way.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to them... yet" he was gently flying right side up as if he was laying down on a long couch.

"I'm not worried. I just felt like saying hi, since you were around I smiled.

"Such an honor from The Chosen One"

"Hi" I greeted him.

"And bye" Henry flew away.


"I'm back" I whispered to the night. I stood looking at the giant school buildings.

The first thing I wanted to do is find Twix. Then I'll-


"holy shit!" I cussed and held my heart.

I looked around and it seemed that the whole school was throwing a party.

"This wasn't here a couple seconds ago... Or was it?" I looked around.

"We used a spell" Bunny put on a Hawaii flower crown.

They were having some kind of fire bonding thing.

"Oh you didn't have to-"

"We're throwing a party to the Wolf Race Winner" Bo Na cheered.

My smiled turned into a straight line, "Hahahah! Riiiight! The winner..."

Bo Na cocked her head, "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah" I awkwardly cleared my throat, " Who won?" I remembered the competition.

Bo Na rolled her eyes to Kim Tan.

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