Chapter 3: The Magic Paintbrush

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I'M BACK!!!! God, I'm so sorry for the hiatus. I've had a lot going on in my life which also caused me to get writer's block for a long time as well caused me to be very busy. I've currently gotten a job where I will be able to write more often without stress and such. I hope this chapter will regain your trust in my updates again XD


The next morning, Sakuya and Kaguya were busy searching through the artifacts in order to find something that could help their dear brother get away from this place that they call home, at least from Gothel's clutches.

Yuya was sitting by the window in his room with a sketch pad in his lap as he drew a portrait of the girl with his goggles on. For the past hour he has been thinking about the one day of freedom he got and the new friendship he got through the girl. He kept thinking about his promise to her the day before and started to wonder if she was hating him now for not coming like he promised. Yuya was about done with his sketch when he heard footsteps closing into his room and he quickly switched the page as Sakuya and Kaguya walked in, only to get very sad over the state of their younger brother.

"Oh, Yuya." They breathed out as they walked over to Yuya to comfort him with Kaguya leaving a small box on the table with the untouched paint supplies.

"We're so sorry we couldn't do anything to help you." Kaguya apologized as Yuya hung his head in defeat.

"It isn't your fault..." Yuya said gloomily. "I'm the one who put myself into this mess."

"But it feels like it is." Sakuya explained sadly at the defeated boy in between her and her sister. "If we had said something or used our magic before you left then we would have been in this punishment together."

"You heard her, there's NOTHING mother doesn't know about what we're doing here." Yuya retarded at the two. "We won't be able to escape from her and be stuck here for the rest of our lives. There's no way for us to be free."

"You shouldn't give up, not yet anyway." Kaguya reassured him but Yuya stood up irritated and away from their embrace.

"Don't you understand?! I'll never be able to leave!" Yuya exclaimed in despair. "I'm trapped in my own room, in a tower with no exit!" Yuya then sat down on his bed, his head in his hands and started to cry. "I couldn't even keep my promise to her...!" The girls looked at each other and knew exactly what he meant, Yuya said he would see her again today but thanks to what happened last night, he won't be able to do it.

"Well..." Sakuya said with a gentle smile as she walked over to him, who looked up for Sakuya to pull Yuya's goggles up back on his head with a smooth motion to show Yuya's eyes from underneath. "We might have-"

"-found something that might help you with that." Kaguya finished as she came to them with the box as well a proud smile which made their younger brother truly confused. "We were in the secret basement to find something that would help you get some freedom at least."

Kaguya then gave the box to the crimson eyed boy, who was really confused as he opened the box to see a paintbrush made with silver or platinum type of metal making the base of the brush. Despite being made out of metal, Yuya held the brush in a delicate way but it was very light.

"A paintbrush?" Yuya questioned the twins.

"Try touching your pendant on it." Sakuya suggested and Yuya did what she said, taking the pendant and just as the tip of the crystal touched the paintbrush, the crystal shone in the familiar light like before. "This paintbrush has the magic ability to paint on any surface without actual paint..."

"And when you paint an object, you can make it become real by taking it out from that surface." Kaguya continued and Yuya raised an eyebrow at the explanation.

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