Chapter 2: The Outside World & New Friend

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Back at the manor, Sakuya and Kaguya were outside at the moment in their swan forms. The garden was enormous, with different plant life as well a big lake for the two cursed swans to swim in.

One of the swans was a dark blue, the feathers on her wings fading into silver, while the other was a dull lavender color that faded into gold at the tips of her wings. The dark blue swan was taking a nap in the lake while the lavender one was gazing worriedly at the magic wall that protected the manor, and the big hole in it that could let anything come in and out of the barrier.

'Yuya... Please don't get into any trouble.' The lavender swan prayed.

"Kaguya." The younger twin turned to her somewhat groggy sister. "Yuya is going to be fine." She assured, as if able to read the other's thoughts.

"I hope you're right sis." Kaguya worriedly replied before looking back at the sky.


Yuya arrived at the town and was amazed by the sheer amount of people walking around the many streets. But unlike in the Divided Lands, this town had narrow streets that didn't have as much space to drive cars. You could maybe fit a single carriage or car.

He walked around as he inspected the many shops, restaurants and the marketplace with gleaming eyes of curiosity from afar. Yuya noticed that a few people were looking at him weirdly but he didn't pay attention to it and continued on his little adventure, until someone bumped into him.

"Sorry." A girl's voice apologized.

"Don't worry about... it..." Yuya said before he saw her appearance.

The girl had blue eyes and dark pink mid-back length hair, which she wore in pigtails and clipped down with blue, spherical hair clips. Her hair also features two lighter pink tufts of hair that fell to the sides of her face. On her wrist is a silver bracelet that's double banded and connected to two rose frames surrounding two pink stones on each side. Time seemed to stop as the two stared at each other as if they recognized each other from long ago even though this was the first time they've seen each other.

"Who are you?" Yuya asked confused.

"You look like-"

"There she is!" A voice cut the girl off before she finish her sentence and she tensed up and had a panicked look on her face until Yuya grabbed her wrist.

"Follow me!" The crimson eyed boy said hushed.

The two ran away and dove into an alleyway, apparently disappearing from view as they hid behind a couple of boxes and heard people running by.

"Where did she go?!" "She warped again!" "Ishijima won't like this!"

Yuya and the girl waited until they no longer heard the fast footsteps of the people after her. Yuya was glad he knew how to hide quickly and quietly after all the times he played hide and seek with Sakuya and Kaguya in the manor. He had always managed to find very good hiding spots so it was hard to find him most of their games. Though when they decided to use magic, they always found him.

Luckily, these nimrods didn't seem to be able to use magic, or at least hadn't thought of it. The girl sighed in relief before they began laughing at how stupid those people were.

"Thank you." The girl thanked as they walked out of the alley.

"No problem." Yuya replied and he turned away to continue his adventure.

"Wait!" The girl cried. He stopped in his tracks as he turned back to her in confusion. "You look like you're not from around here. I can show you around if you like..." She offered.

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