Chapter 1: The Three Lost Magic Children

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10 years later: the Present

The older of the twins, Sakuya, tread around the spacious kitchen. She was making a new brew of tea and decided to use the big kettle over the fireplace in hopes to make it a bit stronger than usual.

Sakuya had just hung the kettle on the hook when her twin sister, Kaguya came in wearing her white and gold dress with ruby red slippers which contrasted her sister's black and silver dress with similarly colored red slippers.

"Sakuya, do you know where Yuya is?" Kaguya asked. "He promised to help me with the laundry this morning, but never showed up."

"I'm sorry Kaguya, I haven't seen him since breakfast."

She groaned in a tone that spoke of long-suffering dismay. "Don't tell me he's painting in his room again..." She trailed off with her hand on her face after having facepalmed. Her tone was filled with resignation at having to clean up the room again after he undoubtedly got paint all over the place like the last few times.

It would be even worse if he decided to start painting the walls again.

Her twin placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He might not be, but let's check there for him just in case." Sakuya suggested.


Sure enough, in one of the corner towers, there was a boy with crimson red and emerald green hair who was painting a beautiful painting of a beach with rolling waves and a clear sapphire blue sky. His crimson red eyes were focused solely on the painting as the brush gently streaked over the canvas as he painstakingly and meticulously created the wispy clouds with gentle strokes.

Most of his outfit, which consisted of an orange t-shirt and green pants were devoid of any splattered paint, unlike his face and hands which had multiple stains and streaks on them. The only accessories that he had on was a pendant made of blue crystal, as well a pair of goggles strapped to his head on which both the lenses were orange and the right lens had a big blue star printed on it.

"Yuya." The reprimanding voice of Sakuya took the boy's attention, and he twisted around he saw the twins by the doorway. "I heard from Kaguya you didn't help her with the laundry after breakfast."

"Oh, sorry." Yuya apologized sincerely. "I just wanted to finish this painting." The twins walked over to his side and were amazed as they saw the painting.

"That's so beautiful!" Sakuya said in awe and amazement at the painting.

"It looks so real." Kaguya pointed out. "You can practically smell the sea breeze, and feel the heat of the sun." She gushed. "I wish we could see a place like that for real."

"One day, I'm going to leave this place." Yuya said determinedly while putting his paintbrush in a jar of water to wash off the paint. "I want to see what's out there, no matter what mother says. I'm not like you two. I can leave at any time, but thanks to mother telling me all those things about the outside world since I was a kid, I haven't tried because I was afraid. Even though I go on the internet through my duel disk and the dueling festival, the Divided Lands is too far from here so I can't participate in it either. I don't wanna be stuck behind this magic barrier my whole life."

"Well, go and get yourself cleaned up before mother comes home." Sakuya suggested. "We don't want you to get into trouble with her."

"We'll put away your paint supplies." Kaguya finished her sister's sentence.

"Thanks you two!" Yuya exclaimed happily before he went into the bathroom to clean himself, but unknowingly missed a spot on his cheek.


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