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Everyone in the room was tense, waiting for someone to speak.

Bokuto broke the silence. "So it's official then?"

The king nodded. "It is. Starting today, we are at war."

"There has to be another way," Akaashi pleaded. Bokuto frowned. Akaashi had never seemed so desperate.

"I'm sure the would have been, if a spy hadn't poisoned you." The king glared at a map on the war table.

Akaashi clenched his fists. "Father, that was a month ago-"

"Yes. A month ago, and still you have trouble eating. Still, you are so weak that you nearly pass out from just a few minutes of training."

Akaashi flinched. Slowly, Bokuto grabbed his hand. The prince was about to pull his hand away, but when he looked at Bokuto, he kept still.

Bokuto hadn't even realized what he was doing. But when he did, he didn't want to stop.

He returned his attention to the prince, his hand still around Akaashi's. "Your majesty, what are your plans for the prince and I during this war?"

The king raised a brow. "Care to elaborate?"

"As you said, Akaashi is still weak from the poison," Bokuto continued cautiously. "Will you want him to stay at the palace? Or will you try to get his strength back through training and send him out to fight? And then, what about me? You've said I'm one of the best swordsmen you have. Am I to use that talent on the battlefield or use it to directly protect the prince?"

Akaashi's eyes widened. "Bokuto-"

"That is a fine question," The king pondered. "Your skills would be valuable in a battle. However... I wish for you to continue staying by my son's side for now."

Bokuto bowed. That was the answer he'd been hoping for. "Of course, your majesty."


Bokuto took in Akaashi's stance. Uh oh. He's mad.

"Why would you ask my father that?" Akaashi demanded. "What would you have done if he had sent you away?!"

He watched for a moment as the prince paced around his room. "Relax, Akaashi. I know what I'm doing."


Bokuto crossed his arms and stepped closer to Akaashi. "I may only be eighteen, but I've dealt with politics and war since I was five. I know how your father's brain works. I knew he'd tell me to stay with you."

"Then why did you ask?"

"Because while I'm more devoted to you than everyone else, the king has to think my loyalty lies completely to him. He has to think I'd do whatever he says. I do have to. So, I put ideas in his head."

Akaashi blinked. Then, he grabbed Bokuto's hand and put it against his chest.

"Bokuto... Just the thought that you might have to leave eventually- I hate it. I don't know what I would do without you."

Bokuto's heart fluttered, and he felt his face flush. Oh man, he's in trouble.

Carefully, Bokuto brought Akaashi's hands to his mouth and kissed them. When he received no response, the guard leaned down and pressed his head against the prince's.

"I won't leave you Akaashi. Ever." Bokuto stopped to take a deep breath. "Because I love you."

Akaashi titled Bokuto's head so that they were making eye contact, fingers lightly touching his chin. "And I love you."

That was all Bokuto needed before he pulled Akaashi into a kiss. Akaashi wrapped his arms around his Bokuto's neck.

When they pulled apart, both were blushing.

Bokuto smiled. "I guess you won't be marrying a suitor after all."

Akaashi rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up," he whispered before he pulled Bokuto into another kiss. It was... Perfect.

Somewhere Only We Know [Bokuto x Akaashi Fantasy AU]Where stories live. Discover now