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Anxiously, Bokuto stared out at the battlefield before him. The opposing army was nothing more than a dot on the horizon, still at least three hours from theirs.

A smooth voice spoke behind him. "Damn. I have to say, you look hot in battle armor."

Bokuto turned around to see Kuroo and Kenma standing before him. He grinned at his friend. "You don't look half bad yourself."

When Bokuto's eyes slid past his friends and he noticed the army behind them, his breath hitched. "You... You actually did it."

Kuroo smirked. "Of course I did! I'm a man of my word."

"That's true," Bokuto laughed. "What's Kenma going to do?"

"I'm helping the medics. I'm no good at fighting," the small boy said. He wore a distracted expression on his face. Kenma looked around nervously, his hand gripping Kuroo's.

"You alright, Kenma?"

"I don't like this. How are they still so far away when they had a head start?"

Ah. Bokuto had been concerned about that too.

"It's because that's only a portion of their army," Akaashi said as he walked over to Bokuto. He grabbed the prince's hand and squeezed.

Everyone frowned, and Kuroo let out a deep sigh.

"So, where's the rest?"

Akaashi glanced nervously at Bokuto. "They're coming from the south too. They'll... They'll be here within twenty minutes."


Four hours. They'd been fighting for four hours.

Akaashi panted, hands on his hips, and frowned. He'd just taken down three enemy soldiers and still... They just keep coming.

Close by, Bokuto had piles of bodies around him, and he was covered in blood. Not his blood, thankfully, at least not too much.

Kuroo had been popping in and out of his view, going between fighting by Bokuto's side and fighting with his own army.

Heaving a sigh, the prince picked up his sword again. He tried to ignore the ache in his arms and the burn in his legs.

A soldier ran towards him, and Akaashi ducked under the sword. He swung out his own, cutting into the man's stomach. He fell to the ground in a quiet thud.

Akaashi flinched. He hated killing. But, of course, he'd do it. For his kingdom, and his friends. For Bokuto.


Speak of the devil.

Bokuto ran over to Akaashi and looked him over with concern, frowning.

"What's wrong, Bokuto?"

"Your form is getting sloppy. You should go rest for a bit."

Akaashi's brows drew together. "We're in the middle of a battle-"

"Which is exactly why you need rest." Bokuto crossed his arms. He looked around for a moment before he continued, checking to make sure there was a break in the enemies lines. "Listen to me. We've been fighting for four hours. And you're good, you really are. But you've only had a few months of training, and your stamina isn't built up the way mine is. Or the way the trained soldiers' is. "

He stared blankly at Bokuto. He's not wrong, but...

"I can't go take a nap while everyone else is still putting their lives on the line. I don't want to be coddled because I'm the prince."

"You're not the only one I've told to take a break," Bokuto murmured. "This whole battle I've been sending people in and out of the field. I understand your feelings, but when you get sloppy, you get hurt. You get killed. I'm not coddling you because you're the prince, I'm telling you that right now, you are a soldier. And I care about the soldiers I'm in charge of. So please-" Akaashi nearly gasped as Bokuto gripped his hands with considerable strength.

The prince nodded. "Alright."

Bokuto's eyes brightened with relief. "Thank you." He looked over Akaashi's head, searching for something. "Kuroo is right over there. He's been going between battle and checkout on Kenma. Tell him to go with you. Kenma will take care of those cuts on your hands and get you some water. After twenty minutes, you can come back if you really want to. Or you can wait a bit longer."

"You already know I'll be back as soon as possible."

The guard winked at Akaashi, golden eyes tired yet glowing. "I know."

Akaashi thought that now was probably the best time to rest. The battle is at a standstill, with both sides tending to wounded and discussing new plans. Only in the far West of the field, far from the prince, were people still fighting.

Kuroo met up with Akaashi and guided him to the medical tents.

"Hey Kenma! I brought Akaashi."

Kenma looked up from the pot of water he was sitting over. Relief flickered over his face for just a moment.

"Is he hurt?"

Shaking his head, Akaashi sat down next to his friend. "No. Bokuto is worrying and said I had to take a break."

"I'm glad he's worrying," Kuroo muttered. Akaashi raised a brow. The foreign prince sighed. "Look, I know that you're usually the one that's worrying, and Bokuto is the goofball, but he has a point. You only just fully recovered from the poison before being thrown into battle. He's right to worry about you."

"I feel so useless."

"Akaashi, I saw all of the soldiers you took down. You're doing far better than you realize, trust me. And trust Bokuto. He has everything thought out. Everything. We just have to listen to him." Kuroo glanced outside the tent and scowled."I have to go. Rest up, Akaashi."

Just like that, the spiky haired prince was gone, leaving Akaashi alone with Kenma.

Cautiously, Kenma grabbed Akaashi's hands and gently rubbed a wet cloth over them. "Kuroo is right." The boy spoke quietly as he worked. "I know he's usually an idiot. Same with Bokuto. But they know what they're doing. Don't worth about it."

Akaashi leaned his head back with a sigh. He closed his eyes hesitantly. Everything would be fine. Akaashi just needed a small break, and then he'd be back out there with Bokuto. Everything will be fine.

Somewhere Only We Know [Bokuto x Akaashi Fantasy AU]Where stories live. Discover now