Chapter 10: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

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"Anakin do you have to leave?" Padme asked

She sat on the bed in her private quarters on the Helicarrier. Her right arm was bandaged and there was another bandage on her forehead. The explosions injured her more than she realized. Loki's attack made her think about how close she was to losing her life and everything and everyone she cared about.

"I have to. It's my duty." Anakin replied

"Screw duties. I don't want you to get hurt. I thought I lost you forever earlier today." Padme said

"What happened to us just being friends and focusing on our paths? My path as a Jedi and your path as a politician needing to be the main focus?" Anakin questioned

Padme kissed Anakin and it was a long kiss that took Anakin by surprise at first but he returned it.

"I wasn't being honest. I love you and I want to spend my future with you. That can't happen if you die in battle." Padme argued

"Loki ruling the Earth is a world where we don't have a future. A world that will lead to so much pain and suffering for so many people. I can't allow that world to happen." Anakin said

"Maybe we aren't as different as I originally thought." Padme said with a laugh


"Thor it's me Jane can you hear me?" Jane said

Jane was in her living quarters using R2D2 as a makeshift long range communications system. Obi Wan used the Force to slightly amplify the signal and connect to Thor's hammer Mjolnir.

"Jane. It's me. are you doing this?" Thor asked confused

"Obi Wan Kenobi is helping me. Are you OK? How did you survive the fall off the Helicarrier." Jane replied

"Mjolnir managed to save me. Obi Wan Kenobi thank you for keeping Jane safe. Jane I'm so sorry. I failed to protect you and your planet. I understand if you want nothing to do with me." 

"It's not your fault Thor. You tried to help your brother. You wanted to give him a second chance but he betrayed you. I know you wish your bond with Loki was the same as Obi Wan and Anakin." Jane offered

Thor started to cry, "I wish it hadn't come to this but...Loki plans on ruling the entire planet as a dictator. He's using your friend Dr. Selvig to make it happen. I vow to save him Jane so that you won't have to mourn him."

"Thor you don't need to do this alone. You're part of a team. I can sense in the Force that you are what your people value as worthy. The Light Side of the Force weaves around you comfortably like a friendly neighbor. The motivation of why you fight reveals your good nature even though you displayed poor judgment and made mistakes." Obi Wan encouraged

"You're right Obi Wan Kenobi. Your wisdom reminds me of my mother. Jane when this is over I want you to meet her. I want you to know that my family isn't all bad." Thor said

"I'll take you up on that offer but this isn't goodbye. I'm going with you to stop Loki from using the Tesseract to open the portal."

"Jane no. It's too..."

"Don't say its too dangerous I'm going. Dr. Selvig trained me so I know how to close the portal. I also figured out where Loki went. I traced the ion energy trail from his scepter. Besides you heard what Obi Wan said. We need to do this together." Jane argued

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