Chapter 3: A New King

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"Your name is Phil and you're on a first name basis with my girlfriend." Tony Stark said breaking the awkward silence

"Pepper gave me some great dating advice. She's rooting for me and Audrey to be a thing permanently." Agent Coulson replied


"She's a cellist. Extremely talented."

"You know I always thought your first name was Agent and your girlfriend was the job and Captain America's Shield." Tony joked

"Captain America is supposed to be on this mission so don't allow your ego to interfere with him leading this mission."

"I don't think grandpa knows how to track down an advanced energy emitting weapon from outer space. I certainly know how to do that."

Coulson sighed as the quinjet landed on Shield's helicarrier. The pair exited the vehicle and entered the navigation quarters of the carrier. Stark noticed Steve Rogers give Director Fury ten bucks as the helicarrier rose to the sky and turned invisible. Stark scoffed at Rogers wide eyed enthusiasm at the performance of the helicarrier.

Stark walked over to a nervous looking man who stared at every Agent that walked by him. He suspected this was the famous Dr. Bruce Banner but he was approached by two robed men. One of them had a thick dirty blond beard and the other was younger with a small brown haired ponytail.

"What do you want with me? Are you here to Jedi Mind Trick me? Is that what the Agents are using you for?"

"We mean you no harm. Jedi are peacekeepers. My name is Obi Wan and this is my apprentice Anakin."

Stark scoffed and walked towards them, "You guys look the part of dark evil sorceror. Can you blame Dr. Banner for being uncomfortable around you guys?"

The older Jedi removed his hood while the younger one glared at Stark keeping his hood on.

"We heard about Dr. Banner's condition and simply wanted to teach him some meditation techniques." Obi Wan explained

"I've watched Dr. Banner from afar. He's one of the most gifted scientists on Earth and he can control turning into a green rage monster. Watch."

Stark whipped out a metal prod and poked Dr. Banner with it. He gasped in pain but his physique didn't change.

"Why would you do that? Don't you know how reckless that is?" Anakin screamed

"Listen junior. Everything is fine. You know Ben it would be a good to teach your protégé some meditation techniques instead." Stark said

"This is a serious mission. There's no time to treat it as a joke." Anakin growled

"Yes and you're going to find a cube that emits cosmic radiation in a way that's difficult for the most brilliant scientific minds to understand? I'm sure you have a great meditation technique to pull that off." Stark replied

"So you're going to find the Tesseract on our own Stark? I'm sure you could fly this whole helicarrier by yourself." Agent Hill sarcastically interjected

She said this at the podium assigned to the co Captain of the Helicarrier. This podium was placed on a raised platform behind Director Fury's Captain podium.

"Maybe I should. You have two navigation panels on either side of where Fury is supposed to stand. How does he look at both panels at the same time?" Stark asked

"He turns." Agent Hill said sternly

"That sounds exhausting." Stark said dismissively

"So you do think you can fly this aircraft and find the Tesseract at the same time? Since when did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" Agent Hill asked annoyed

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