Chapter 13: Fury's report

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Fury and Master Yoda stood at attention staring at the holo net projector in Fury's office. The device lit up and displayed eight images. The six regular members of the World Security Council, Sheev Palpatine the Chancellor of the United Republic and Secretary Pearce the liason between the Director of Shield and the Chairman of the Security Council. Palpatine would be operating as the Chairman of the Security Council on a temporary basis until a proper replacement for Gideon Malick was appointed the role.

"Director Fury before we start the debrief we want to make it clear the council didn't make the decision you're complaining about. It was Council Chairman Gideon Malick. He's the one that strong armed the Council to authorize the use of a nuclear weapon to prevent the Chituari forces from overwhelming military forces on Earth. Gideon Malick has since resigned from his role and his time as a member of the Council has ended.

As Secretary for the Council I simply direct Shield protocol to match the recommendations of the Council. Chancellor Palpatine performs this same function for the United Republic and will be overseeing the decisions made by the Council. I know you know all this Director but I bring this up to put you at ease. That moving forward Shield doesn't have anything to fear from a member of this Council. That Malick will serve as a reminder to respect your authority Fury." Secretary Pearce explained

"I recognize Malick was responsible for that decision but if someone else was Director of Shield instead of me Malick's order would have been carried out. New York/Lothal would be a crater with millions dead right now if I listened to him. People around the world already rejected men of authority who caused millions of deaths worldwide with the reason that they just followed orders. It happened in World War II and those people tried to kill the men and women who helped create Shield." Fury criticized

"Regardless of Malick's actions Director Fury our relationship remains the same. That means we must put aside the smaller differences and unite around the common goal." Chancellor Palpatine explained

Yoda stumbled as Palpatine spoke.

"Are you alright Master Yoda?" Chancellor Palpatine asked concerned

Yoda took a few deep breaths and then said, "Momentary weakness I suffered. Nothing to Fear there is. Disturbance in the Force it was."

Chancellor Palpatine gave a warm smile and said, "Thank goodness Master Yoda. Though I'm sure if your health weakened severly you'd be in good hands since you're at Shield Headquarters right now."

Yoda gave a nod while Secretary Pearce rolled his eyes. It was no secret to anybody in the room that Pearce had little regard for the Jedi or Jedi Order. Pearce spent his years as a United States Senator learning to hide his disdain for certain types of people. That allowed him to become a United Republic Senator and now the Secretary of the World Security Council.

"Director Fury you havent disclosed the location of the Avengers. Why are you concealing that information?" Pearce asked

"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. There's nothing for me to conceal. I'd say they've earned a leave of absence after everything I put them through and for how they saved New York/Lothal from destruction." Fury answered

"What about the Tesseract?" Palpatine asked

"The Tesseract is where it belongs: out of our reach. Thor placed in a location that he elected to keep secret." Fury replied

"That's not your call." Pearce objected

"I didn't make it. I just didn't argue with the god that did." Fury replied

"Why didn't you have Shield Agents Black Widow or Hawkeye inform their fellow Avengers that Loki needed to be taken alive in order to be interrogated and tried as a war criminal by the United Republic Senate?" Palpatine asked

"The Avengers aren't under Shield control. They're heroes who help Shield fight the battles they can't." Fury answered

"I don't think you understand what you've started. Letting the Avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous. Yoda do you have anything to say about two Jedi being Avengers? How this could make people afraid of the Jedi Order?" Pearce asked

"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Peacekeepers the Jedi are. Not good if something else they are. Work together to prevent Jedi role changing we must." Yoda said

"That's going to be impossible Master Yoda. There are more threats coming. I just have a bad feeling about it don't you Fury?" Palpatine asked

"The Avengers can handle it. They'll have to. All of us we'll need them to." Fury said

The End

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