Football Assemble

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*Back at the house*

NARRATOR ON TV: "Last time We visited Meerkat Manor, a rival group called the Commandos was making large inroads into the Whiskers' territory."

Midoriya: (SNIFFING) "Ah, Kirishima! I thought Kacchan was messy. This is literally disgusting. I feel like I'm living in a dumpster."

Kaminari: "Midoriya, it's Meerkat Manor. Watch with me."

Midoriya: (SIGHS) "You know, you're right. You're right. I just need to relax. Maybe that'll ease my nerves a little."


Midoriya: "What is this? What... Oh, you've got to be joking. A taco? In a blanket? Kirishima!"

*15 minutes later*

Kirishima: "Ladies and gentlemen, going for his turkey, it's the Kirster. (GRUNTS) Come on, baby! (LAUGHING) Yes! Yes! (EXCLAIMS)."

Bakugo: "No problem. Watch and learn, my friends. (Breaks TV) Oops. Well, it looks like it's time to play my second favorite game. Hide the Broken TV from Aizawa. You wanna play?"

Kirishima: "No!"

Midoriya: "Go easy on him, taco boy. This day's been bad enough already."

Kirishima: "Oh! I think I see what's going on. You guys have been having some problems at school?"

Midoriya: "Uh, no. Not really. Unless you consider getting your head dumped into a public toilet a problem."

Kirishima: (LAUGHING) "Ouch! Swirlies are the worst. At least that's what I've heard. Because there's no way that I could possibly know that on a personal level."

Kaminari: "Kirishima, what was school like for you? Kirishima? Kirishima?"

*Kirishima's flashbacks*




Ow! Ow!





*End of flashbacks*

Kaminari: "Kirishima? Kirishima!"

Kirishima: "What? What was school like for me? Uh, in a word, awesome. But, you know, that's 'cause I was, like, extremely popular."

Midoriya: "Is that why you still live with Aunt Recovery Girl?"

Bakugo: "And refer to yourself as "the Kirster"?"

Kaminari: "And go "pyu-pyu-pyu" all day?"


*The next day*


Kirishima: (SLEEPILY) Bakugo? Bakugo, wake up and turn off the alarm! Bakugo! Bakugo, I'm not kidding! I'm not kidding,
buddy. Turn it off! Guys! Guys...


Kirishima: "Boys, this isn't funny."

Bakugo: (MUFFLED) "Hello. Humane Society Yes. I need help. A man is after us. He wants to take us to a terrible place. School!"

Kirishima: "Out!"

Midoriya: "Aw, have a heart, huh?"

Kirishima: "Have a heart? Aizawa wants you to go to school, so you're going."

Bakugo: "Yeah, well, don't worry about picking us up at 3:00, Shark Boi. We'll get a ride. In a hearse!"

Kirishima: (CHUCKLING) "Guys, guys, come on. Look, trust me. The second day is never as bad as the first."

*At gym class*

(Whistle blows)


Midoriya: "Dimples! You wouldn't hit a guy with dimples, would you? Oof. Right in the pancreas."

Kaminari: (PANTING)" Call the nurse."

Bakugo: Come on, Bakugo! Remember your five D's! Dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!"

Inasa: "You're next, fur ball."

Bakugo: "You talking to me? You talking to me? I'm the only one here, so you must be talking to me."

(Bakugo Grunts)

Inasa: (LAUGHING) "Yeah! Got him!"

Bakugo: "Oh! Boo-yah!"

Sero:" Unbelievable. He caught it. You're out, man."


Bakugo: "And the fat lady, she's a-singing."

Inasa: "Dude's got hands."

Sero: "Tiny hands."

Inasa: "Whatever. We can definitely use him on the team. Hey, fur ball! How would you like a spot on the football team?"

Bakugo: "Football? Moi?"

Inasa: "I gotta say, you're good. I'm gonna let you hang out with us at lunch. That is, if you wanna be on the team."

Bakugo: "Hmm. Interesting proposition."

Kaminari: "Bakugo?"

Bakugo: "Let me get back to you on that."

Inasa: "This is a one-time offer. Don't take too long to think it over."

Bakugo: "Right! Like I would ditch my brothers just to become the first tiny human ever to play on an actual varsity football team (LAUGHING) Fat chance!"

*At lunch*

Bakugo: "The stadium is pandemonium! It's fourth and goal. It's up! It's up! And he catches it! The crowd goes crazy! (IMITATING CROWD ROARING)"

Inasa: "Psst! Hey!"

Midoriya: "Me?"

Bakugo: "Bakugo! Bakugo! Bakugo! Bakugo! (Continues IMITATING CROWD ROARING)"

Midoriya: "Kacchan, I think the super-cool jock table is paging you."

Bakugo: "Why would I go over there? Like I really need to worry about being popular. Hello? Tiny guys? Huh? World-famous rock star? Guy with his own plush doll? Guys, I'm on pajamas! Not to toot my own horn, but... (IMITATING HORN TOOTING) Come on. It's laughable."

Midoriya: "Just go, Bakugo."

Bakugo: "Really? You mean it?"

Kaminari: "Yeah."

Bakugo: "Thanks! I'll be right back! What up, dudes?"

Inasa: "What's up, little man?"

Sero: "Welcome to the cool table."

Bakugo: "Yeah! Bring it."

BOY: "Yeah!"

Bakugo: "Pound the tiny fist."

*At the gym*


Bakugo: "I want it! I got it! I got it! I... Don't got it."

*At lunch*

Girl#1: "I think he's cute."

Girl#2: "Me, too."

Bakugo: "Toss. And he's up!"


Bakugo: "Thank you."

Girl#3: "Hey, Bakugo."

Bakugo: "Call me."

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