A thousand miles

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People think its easy. That i should be able to forget him like he forgot me but the thing is that it's not easy. When I look at one of the others and see the love in their eyes my mind goes back to when his eyes shined the same love. I miss him so freaking much it hurts!

I just want him back but he remembers HER it kills me to see her sit there with him. I don't know how much of this I can take. I love the boys but I think this life is getting to hard to live. I'm sorry I don't think I can do this anymore.

*At the hospital Owens in surgery*

Sang's pov

My arm was throbbing and the guys were being loud and frantic but all I could think about was how Owens blood was slowly dripping from his head wound and his side I felt sick I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach.

Someone held my hair back and I leaned back after I got done I felt a cold wash cloth being placed on my head.

"Shh sweetie it's gonna be okay everything is going to be fine." Sean's soothing voice came to me and he helped me up. I went and brushed my teeth with my good arm.

"Is he ok?" I asked after I finished getting the taste of grossness out of my mouth. Sean looked at me his eyes held none of the usual happiness that they usually did.

"They said I was to close so I can't go in there we will have to wait till there's an update. Come with me I will get that arm in a sling." Sean said softly his eyes going to my arm then he turned and I followed him out if the bathroom.

All the others were still in the small room and Sean led me to the bed in the middle of the room and had me sit down.

"He's strong guys he's going to be ok. I mean this is Mr.Blackbourne were talking about." Kota said reassuringly while Sean wrapped my arm and put me in a sling.

"What if he's not. He hit his head really hard." I said closing my eyes but that was a mistake because when I closed them I visualized Owens head crashing into the steering wheel before the airbags went off. "He hit his head so hard on the steering wheel and then the metal in his side.." I trailed off as tears pricked my eyes.

The door opened and a woman came in she was older than us but her face was kind.

"You guys are here for Owen Blackbourne right?" She asked we all answered yes at the same time. "He's out of surgery and they successfully got the metal from his side his heart stopped once during surgery but we were able to bring him back. The only injury that we don't fully know about yet is his head injury we won't know if there is any memory loss or brain damage till he wakes up but, you are free to see him just follow me." She said my heart soared. We got to go see Owen!

We were silent as we walked down the corridors to his room; it was like we were all holding our breaths making silent prayers.

We reached the room and stepped inside. My breath instantly left me; there was Owen my strong leader laying in a bed with cuts on his face and stitches. I had to take a breath before going closer to the bed.

I sat in a chair beside his bed and held his hand tightly as hours passed by and he still hadn't woken up. Then I felt his fingers twitch in my grasp my eyes flew to his and I saw his eyes straining to open.

"Sean!" I called and Sean came in to the room from the hallway looking at me worried.

"What is it sweetie? What's wrong?!" He asked I just motioned towards Owen who's eyes were halfway open now.

"Sean." Owen said groggily trying to sit up. At that point the door opened and the other guys started to shift in but they all stopped when they saw Owen.

"Owen you need to stay laying down we were in a car crash. How are you feeling?" Sean asked as he put his hands on Owens shoulders settling him back down on the bed.

"What crash? We were in a car crash? Sean I'm feeling fine now someone answer my damn question!" Owen called loudly Sean sighed heavily.

"Ok we were in a car crash and you had to have surgery but your going to be ok. Now Owen can you tell me what today's date is?" Sean asked putting his hand on Owens shoulder.

"It's July 4th 2014. Why?" He asked confused. But the thing is he's wrong today's date is April 23, 2015. My anxiety level went up with this and Owen looked around the room.

"Owen can you name everyone in the room?" Sean asked urgently.

"Yes your Dr.Sean Green you help me lead our team, that's Dakota Lee the third in command, that's north and Luke Taylor, that's Victor Morgan, that's Nathan Griffin, that's Silas Korba, and that's Gabriel Colman. Before you ask Sean I'm Owen Leo Blackbourne and I'm 19 years old." Owen said my throat constricted. No Owen your 20 and you named everyone but me.

"Owen do you know who this is." Sean asked quietly motioning to me. Owens eyes flew to me scrutinizing my very being.

"No. Who are you? Should I know you?" Owen asked carefully. I couldn't take it anymore this was pure torture my heart felt like it was being ripped from my body. "Where's Cynthia?" Owen asked abruptly turning to Sean I let out a mangled breath and all eyes went to me.

"I- I'm so sorry I have to leave." I said as the tears started to well in my eyes I ran out the door despite the boys yelling after me.

I ran up three flights of stairs till I got to the door I was looking for. The roof. I opened the door and I could instantly hear the rain splattering on the cemented roof.

Owen used to say that the song "A Thousand Miles" was 'our' song because it took him a thousand miles to find me and he always told me he would never forget how happy I made him.

I guess some promises just can't be kept.

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