Goddess of Miracles

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ah I see the goddess of miracles has taken an interest in him “im the reason hes alive I will not let him die just yet” I see do your thing and in a femenine voice the goddess of miracles talk to Leo through his mind, “are you going to let this be the end Leo?” Leo confused notices that time is paused the Goddess of miracles then says, “I don’t think I wasted my power on you so what are you going to do this world needs you alive” Leo still confused says, “who are you” she then says, “I am the goddess of miracles you are one of those miracles so don’t let this end here change your fate grab it by the throat and crush it” Leo then say, “won’t that make the god of fate angry” the goddess of fate then says, “he will but he knows you are under my protection so he will not do anything so what are you going to do” Leo realizing what's going on says, “I, I will grab fate by the throat and CRUSH IT!” and once he got done saying this time unpaused he flies back into the ship and the void essence patches it up the void essence then says, “are you ok what happened I felt time pause” Leo then says, “the goddess of miracles talked to me and told me to crush my fate by the throat so that exactly what i'm gonna do” the void essence then says, “yes lets” then suddenly Hunhow says, “how HOW DID YOU SURVIVE THAT THAT SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU” Leo then says, “cause screw you thats why” Hunhow obviously angered by this says, “I WILL MAKE SURE YOU DEATH WILL BE SLOW AN-” Hunhow was cut off by a void storm and as they go through this void storm Hunhow gets launched like a cannonball in a cannon Hunhow screaming says, “AAAAAAAAAAAA I'LL GET YOU EVENTUALLY” the void essence then says, “well that takes care of him for now there it is the void storm that contains my derelict which has my last void fragment” Leo nods and the ship moves to the void storm and they enter instantly they see the void creature guardian it the void creature is a large snake like creature with void gold armor slithering around the storm though Leo is confused void creatures are usually dangerous the Leo realizes that its most likely under the control of the void essence they approach the derelict and a giant golden door on it opens with enough room for the ship the ship docks and Leo steps out the void essence went back into its container in Arcturus and Leo walks throught the hallways are void gold and some is has a bronze yet golden look and he reaches two void frames held together by the void made of void gold stand apart from each other then something emerges from the roof of the derelict and goes inbetween the void frames the back of the jetpack opens and the void essence comes out of the cylinder and the golden cylinder that lowered from the roof revealing the final void fragment its color is a mixture of Aqua green sky blue a vicous red and a golden tint the void essence and the void fragment merge and instead of being a cube it starts molding to a dark figure completely black abyss with golden armor on it the void essence is now the Prime Hollow the Prime Hollow then says, “once again I am the Prime Hollow now let's get to business first i'm still powering the suit through our mental bond and I also now control all of the void storms lets go” the Prime Hollow walks to Leo pats him on the shoulder and starts heading back towards the ship Leo follows they get back on the ship and the Prime Hollow says, “it's so good to have my own body let's leave now we must fight Hunhow now or later let's get Uthark and other help though Uthark you can talk to him ill get the others UTHARK reveal yourself”

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