Ch 2 getting a familiar

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After a few weeks Izuku was absent and they had a dodgeball match with rias winning, she then called Izuku on her phone and after it rang he seemingly appeared out of nowhere and smiled.

Izuku: I am here!!! How are you...

Rias: Your fast you know that...

He smiled as he then walked with rias and entered the circle teleporting them to the circle themselves as they smiled once more.

Izuku: So this is the forest? Not bad if I say so myself.

Familiar master: Hey I got you if you need a familiar.

Then Izuku sensed a demonic energy and Izuku grew slightly shocked before he seaminglu got punched by someone sending him backwards.

Girl: I wish to put you to the test. For me to be your familiar.


The girl was known as Gandorum the dragon of Armageddon and now Izuku was going to be in for a challenge as well with him getting in a fighting stance.

The girl was known as Gandorum the dragon of Armageddon and now Izuku was going to be in for a challenge as well with him getting in a fighting stance

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Gandorum then charged and Izuku dodged manifesting the boosted gear and divine dividing at once before using Ofa to kick her away. She then saw them both and looked shocked. How can one man hold two appoint forces and be very much fine.

 How can one man hold two appoint forces and be very much fine

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Then Izuku stood tall and inhaled as Gandorum watched confused or rather very much amused and intrigued  at the matter

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Then Izuku stood tall and inhaled as Gandorum watched confused or rather very much amused and intrigued  at the matter.



Then Izuku was surrounded by a bright light mixed of two colors. Red and white with a wind pushing them back as well as gandorum. There he was now in the fusion of the welsh dragon and vanishing dragon forms in one.

He then got in a stance and appeared using Fah Jiin and kicked her hard with strength enhancement sending her flying back

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He then got in a stance and appeared using Fah Jiin and kicked her hard with strength enhancement sending her flying back. Izuku then appeared above her using the quirk explosion and sent her down into the dirt once again.

Izuku(v.w.d.b.b): Are you done now?

Gandorum: Yeah no... HERE I COME BOY!!!

She then transformed into that of a large black dragon and Izuku chwrged her again with the two colliding mid air. Izuku then punched her down and then fired a dragon blast in her face surprising her and winning the duel by aiming a powerful dragon blast mixed with Ofa.

Izuku(v.d.b.b): Do you give up now?

Gandorum: I give... say can I get your name.

That is when Izuku reverted to normal ans gandorum blushed slightly.

Izuku: My name is Izuku what is your name.

Gandorum: Gandorum you can call me Angel.

She was expecting a blow but he then gave her a hug and carried her over and she made the pact mentally going into his mind scape as well with Izuku knowing what he can do. He then saw Sona and smiled as she sat down with him.

Sona: I do not  mind sharing you.

Gandorum: thanks Sona... 

She then went from Izuku mind to back into the forest as he then sighed going to bed. Little did he know a white haired neko girl is watching the hole thing with jealousy in her eyes.

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