Ch 17 recruiting of the crescent circle kind

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Izuku then woke up the next day fresh. After all he did have to go on a hunt for a certain someone named Crom crotch. The dragon that is pure evil as of now. Izuku then set out and flew away landing right then and there into a new location waiting for his arrival.


???: So you finally came... thanks Izuku.

He turned around and saw Crom crotch on his human form. He then smiled fixing his nails as he then saw Izuku once again.

Izuku: Shall we begin then or shall we not.

Crom: Yes I think we shall then.

He began to change transforming into his dragon form standing on all fours as tall as a normal apartment building. Izuku then lifted up and raised up his hands as he entered his own scale mail form of the red dragon for the first time Without saying the chant call

 Izuku then lifted up and raised up his hands as he entered his own scale mail form of the red dragon for the first time Without saying the chant call

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Crom crotch: I am waiting isuku midoriya...

Izuku: I who shall awaken

Am the heavenly dragon who stole the principles of domination from god

I mock the infinity and pursue the dream

Will become the red dragon of domination 

I shall drown you in the depths of crimson purgatory 


Crom crotch: What is this that your becoming?


As he shouted that a burning red light was seen as everyone who was there saw a bright light shine forth as Izuku entered the completed welsh dragon juggernaut drive form

As he shouted that a burning red light was seen as everyone who was there saw a bright light shine forth as Izuku entered the completed welsh dragon juggernaut drive form

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Once he finished he stood again at 60 feet 11 inches tall as he then growled looking down at them. Izuku then growled again as he finally growled turning to look at him. The differences were that the tail was more longer and while like as the tusks where larger as well with more shark edged and jagged as well. The wings were also twice as large barely see through with the wings being a perfect mix of feathered and bat like as well as the wing spikes were now two of them on each wing as well,



Then Izuku looked up at him before Izuku then charged in and slashed at him but Crom took flight with Izuku following behind. He then slashed his neck and kicked him down before roaring at him flapping his wings.

 He then slashed his neck and kicked him down before roaring at him flapping his wings

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Crom: Oh shit... I can't dodge....

He then struck him in the week point winning the duel as he landed and shifted to normal going on his hands and knees

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He then struck him in the week point winning the duel as he landed and shifted to normal going on his hands and knees. Izuku then stood up as he saw Crom crotch stand up.

Izuku: You fo realize that he is planning on awakening the beast.

Crom crotch: My wish is to fight strong opponents... I do not want no one to fight... I will work with you as of now.

They fist bumped and teleported back. Izuku filled out the report as nezu showed up as well and heard everything once again.

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