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George's POV

I watch how stressed she becomes so I say, "you didn't do anything wrong ok? But- Y/n, why is it you can't just, hang out? You've been trying to make my last day a grand day, like you don't expect to see me again or something." I just wanted to spend time with everyone, with her. But she won't let something go. "I- George I'm sorry, I'll let it go. It's just, I don't know. You just never know where it'll be your last moments with someone, ya know?" Not something, someone. I finally understand with a nod. She avoids my eyes along with her pain. Until I state the cause of her problems "like your sister", looking back at me, pure shock covers her face.

"I- um" I watch as she tries to form words. Emotions flash across her face until it stops on anger. I couldn't pinpoint what exactly made her angry, but I could only assume I was the main source. Before I could do something, anything, she caught up with her thoughts and let them out.

"Why the fuck would you bring that up, that's not your place to talk. You don't know how it was loosing her. I get it's an inconvenience to you that I'm like this, but do you really think I want to be this way?! You know what, fuck you." She didn't give me a chance to respond as she storms out of the room.

I've known y/n for while, and even though she's kept such big secrets from me and the others, I still knew her. So I knew it was best to give her a few to calm down before doing anything else, so that's what I did. Even if I wanted to pick the lock on the door and make her talk to me, I knew she couldn't think straight when she was angry. That's how I knew she didn't mean what she said.

Walking out of the room she ran out of, I stop for a second to look at Nicks room where she hide. Second guessing if I should wait, really just wanting to tell her everything will be ok. But instead I walked back to the living room where all the guys sat with worried faces, all except Nick. Nick looked pissed, and once he saw me he stomped my way. "What did you do, what happened!?" He gripped the collar on my shirt until Clay stood and ripped him away. "Wow wow, let's hear him out. What happened" he looked kinda pissed off too, not sure if it was towards me or Nick though. "Thanks" I said brushing my shirt down to smoothen it back out, "I'm not on your side yet man, what happened?"

Taking a glance to the door again, I explain the situation. "I just wanted her to not stress about my last day and just enjoy it, but, I said something dumb. I- I brought up her sister-" Nick immediately left for the door but Clay held him back. "Look I'm gonna fix it" "like hell you are" Nick spat at me, he makes another attempt at the door, again being stopped by Clay. "Go fix it then" Clay demands.

I take one more glance at the door before making it over to it. I feel all four of them staring as I walk away. I put my hand on the knob ready to turn it, even though I'm fully aware that it's locked. I turn it anyways, not to open it, but to warn her I'm here. If it wasn't for the soft sounds of her sniffling I would have thought she escaped out the window or something.

I contemplated what to do next, what to say. I didn't want to upset her more, I wanted her to talk to me when she was ready. I think though my words before saying "y/n" I didn't expect a response, nor did I get one "I know you need alone time, so you can come to speak to me when you're ready... I'll be right here out side of this door for when you're ready. I'm right here." And so I wait.

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