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I'd been home 14 HOURS.
I hugged & kissed my mother & father.

How many years have I been from home?
I don't remember.

My dad looked at me and said "She's up there."

I went up to the 3rd floor;
it looks the same;
they hadn't touched it;
didn't even think to rent it out all these years.
It's like they expected me to return some day.

That DAY came.

She saw me & weeped & cried.
Some times I become desensitized;
unknowing of the burden of my absence;
and the joy of my presence.

A GOOD FRIEND, a GOOD SON, is like a fine, well-aged bottle of wine;
hard to find.

"Dry your eyes.
I'm home.
And it all ENDS NOW."

She didn't know why my parents invited her to stay with them.
She didn't know I was coming,

Her eyes;
she sighed, relieved.
We embraced, had a few drinks & spoke at length.
I told her this day marked the end of THIS PROBLEM.

I never wanted to intervene;
because I left THAT LIFE behind me.
I wanted them to work out their problems without me.

I am the LEADER.
He used to be my 2nd in command.
This explains why I ignored it for so long.

When I retired he took over;
it was HIS CREW now.

The difference between us:
I was blessed & cursed with a conscience.
And a gentle-like lamb nature.
The ROARING LION in me is reserved only for those who deserve it.

Unlike me, HE roars always.
And he was about to devour her;
her END was near.

She cheated.
She found comfort and affection in the arms of another.

This OTHER is now 6 feet under.
(Draw your own conclusion.)

At midnight, the ladies were sleeping.
My Dad & I were sitting on the first floor, like old times, talking over a few beers.

We were waiting.
A mob gathered, 1am.

I looked out the window.
Told my dad go upstairs.

He said "I'm not going anywhere. NO!"

Looking out the window,
I realized these men used to be MY MEN.

My dad bravely rushed outside & told them to leave.
I knew out of RESPECT FOR ME they'd dare not touch him.

I heard a familiar voice say:
"I know she's in there!
Step aside. Get out of my way!"

I heard HIS footsteps approaching the gate.
I finished my beer;
walked to the door;
they saw my face;
they were SHOCKED.😳
And scared.

I looked at him & said "ENOUGH."


He put his hand on his weapon, foolishly.
I walked out to him.
And said "REALLY?"

He looked behind him, at his men, for support.
But I was HOME.

I recruited & trained most of them.
And even though I'd been far from home, Fear, Love & Loyalty know:
They ALWAYS know;
they remember, who you are, at your core.

And just then it became clear to him these men are his NO MORE.

"Go HOME!!
We'll meet & talk tomorrow."

And so the street became quiet once more.
And tomorrow we'd meet to discuss the FINAL SCORE.

There's a PRICE TO PAY, for sure.
She'll have to pay it.
Or I will.

She cheated.
And it will not go unpunished.

Season 14Where stories live. Discover now