WAR: Part 3

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The problem with being a LEADER, SHOT CALLER:
your days are too long & your life too short.
People are constantly knocking on your door needing some type of support.
All their problems are YOURS.

After 2 full days of reacquainting myself with the role of leadership, I was stressed; I needed a break.
And more importantly, I needed PUSSY;
sweet, wet, pussy.

One of the benefits of being in leadership, in a shot-calling position:
I get to cherry pick my women.

"A Red head; a FIRE CROTCH,
I have a craving for such a woman today."

I sent this message to one of my lieutenants.
Told him I saw her last night at his wedding.
And asked him whether she was seeing anyone.
He told me he thought she had a boyfriend.

Do me a favor.
Get me her number."

His wife had it.
And soon he texted it."

If you've been following me, you know, my CRAVINGS, left too long unattended, become painful.
Therefore, I wasted little time.
I reached out to her straight away.

Leadership has its privileges.😎
You call, say your name.
And people drop everything.

And they should.
It's a symbiotic relationship;

At some future time she may, without delay, call upon me, for who knows what!
The point— I will be expected to deliver.
And will do so, no doubt.

Her phone rings; once, twice;
three times;
I've always been the straight forward type.
I tell you what I want;
what's on my mind.

She picks up:
"Hello. Hi.
Who is this?"

I say my name:

She's startled:

And I wasted no time:
"I saw you at the weddng last night.
You caught my eye.
You free tonight?"

The moment she said yes, I felt my erection press again my desk.
Turned on by the thought of what's to come.

I believed she was a TRUE RED.
But certainly wanted to find out for myself.

"Do you have a boyfriend?
A special man in your life?"

She hesitated.
In her voice, I could hear it.

My ladies in the Philippines—
the East works somewhat different from the West.
Here, where I'm from, it's all about seizing opportunity.

It's ME on the other end of the line;
telling her in euphemistic terms I wanna fuck her brains out.

She has a boyfriend and in her mind she's proceeding to decide whether consenting to an all night BRAIN FUCK is a good thing;
for her.

"Someone in my position—
(As I've said, my days are too long.
No time to invest in a relationship.
But I can set aside a night or 2.....
Let me ask you a question: are you TRUE;
truly RED?"

She got my meaning & said "Yes."

"And you'll cum see me tonight?"


"Alright then, tonight"

The call ends.

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