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There are certain parts of this city I'm not welcome in.
There literally is a SHOOT ON SIGHT order for me should I ever step foot in.

Korea Town— there's bad blood there.
It's the one place, the one FAMILY that almost succeeded in ending me.

It was dark, raining;
thunder, lightning.
I was bloody, trapped, cornered;
I said a prayer; I was ready to give in.

300 men.
He sent everyone;
he really wanted me dead.

Me & the BOY, the sewer became our friend.
We went down & crawled through all the SHIT, the gases, the putrid stench.

The boy was returned safely to his parents.
And the Wu's were forever in my debt.

To this day, there's still an SOS for me in Korea town.

The thing that's good about Korea town, aside from the women & food is Korea town sits on one of the most prime pieces of real estate in the city.
I've always WANTED it.

And when I was offered this job by Mr. Wu I jumped at it.
"Yes, I'll do it!
I'll get it done!
I'll return with your son."

But it was never about the kid.
It was always about that prime real estate upon which Korea town sits.

I've tried, over the years, to get it.
No luck.

See, the Boss of that family is CUNNING as fuck.
They call him the FOX.

He was ALWAYS one step ahead of me.
Though he could never kill me.
Certainly not OUTSIDE his territory.

Especially since after that rainy night, I never returned to it.

I was young back then.
The Fox was & still is the Fox.

But the years have changed me.
They've turned this former wild animal into a prideful lion.
And this lion has welcomed into his pride every animal in this kingdom, with some exceptions.

The fox is cunning.
He's got a lot of connections;
political connections.

Many say he's untouchable.
Getting a foothold in Korea town today, as it relates to real estate, for me, impossible.

This is what every one of my advisers told me.

I thanked them.
They left & I went to sleep.
I woke up & decided it was a GOOD NIGHT TO DANCE WITH DEATH.
"Dance with me."

It was his birthday celebration.
Big party.
Lots of security.
Every guest shows their ID.

I got out the taxi.
Walked to the door.
Presented my ID.

"You're not on the guest list, Sir."

"Yes I am.
Call your boss;
tell him I'm here.
Give him my name."

My head of security,
he advised me to take an ARMY.
"Or at least take ME!"

This, I have to do alone."

Suddenly, there was an army at the door.
A younger me would've gotten pushed around;
beaten to a bloody pulp, handcuffed, bound.

They're clearly armed.
"This way, SIR."

To the one in charge I said:
"I remember you.
You're the one who lost the boy to me.
I made you look like a fool;
heard you lost some fingers because of it.
I'm sure you'd love to put a bullet in me, eh?"

"Yes, I would."

"Do it then.
What you waiting for?"

Just you wait.
You're not leaving this building alive.
I promise!😡"

He asked one of his men whether they'd search me.
He told him yes.
"He's clean.
Nothing on him."

He laughed and said to me:
"You must have a death wish, coming here!
We've been dying to get our hands on you for years.
I'm gonna ENJOY THIS!"

The elevator door opened to the penthouse.
And there we were, the BOSS & I.
Face to face. First time.
He smiled.

"So you're him, huh?
You're the ONE!"

"Yes, I said, I'm the one."

"Why are you here?"

"I've come to make amends."

"How? What do you have in mind?"

I replied: "TREASON."


There's a TRAITOR in your midst."

"And why should I believe you?"

"Your man has my phone.
This is the code......
It unlocks to a video.
Press PLAY."

"FUCK THIS, the head of security says!
Let's just KILL HIM!"

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you.
I'm not going anywhere.
You have all night to kill me.
Watch the video.
Then kill me.
I'll wait."

"What you're looking at there are some friends of mine;
the Chinese, planting bombs around this building.
Sorry for the theatrics but I couldn't take the chance.
All I need is 10 minutes, in private.
Oh, and the guy in the van, waving;
He says hi."

Just then, the head of security pulled his gun on me.
I took it from him and gave him 2 bullets in the knees.
At which point ALL GUNS ON ME.
I dropped mine.
Said I was sorry & that it was necessary.

I know the Fox is no fool.
He's standing there evaluating the situation.
And came to one conclusion: "Stand down."

We then speak in private.
And 10 minutes later, he was DEAD,

I poured myself a glass of champagne;
while every security personnel in there stood watching, guns down, with an angry face;
trigger fingers itching, begging their boss for the kill order—"like, PLEASE, give us the order; let us KILL THIS FUCKER!"
But it never came.
The only deserving of death that night was the traitor.

"Stand down," said the boss.
Let him leave."

I fixed my tie & said " Gentleman, not today. Another time."
And with my glass in hand I walked out the building.
"Oh, by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY."

The head of security COULD NOT KEEP HIS PROMISE.
The Koreans, yeah, they hate me.
But they have zero tolerance for treason.

I'm a long ways from owning Korea town.
But it's a start.

I got home.
And the princess is waiting at the door.
I didn't tell her where I went but she found out!
She tried to slap me again.

I ducked.
Grabbed her by the neck.
Tore off her dress.
Destroyed her panties.
Ripped open her legs.
Lubed her anus with my spit.
And REMINDED her "WHO I AM!!👿"

I then went upstairs,
showered & went to bed.
She quietly came in later,
got under the sheets,
kissed & hugged me.
And said she was SORRY.😔

"It's ok, princess.
All is forgiven.
Let's go to sleep."

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