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I planned on spending the whole day by myself yesterday.
I haven't been getting enough ME TIME.
Y'all know how much I need my ME TIME.

I hadn't been with a woman in like 3 days.
I was keeping myself busy at home,
trying not to think about it.
Though, every so often getting visuals;
of me on my knees, FACE DEEP in some PUSSY.

I snapped my fingers, saying "Man, snap the fuck out of it.
Focus, keep your mind on the stove & this meal you're cooking before you burn down this bitch!"

At any time I could pick up my phone,
make a few calls & there'd be 2, 3 women in my home.

But I didn't want just any woman.
I wanted the RED WOMAN.

Y'all read the previous episodes, so y'all know of whom I'm speaking.
She's got a boyfriend, so not available, she claims she loves him.

I wanna leave her alone, don't wanna get in the middle or get her into trouble.
But since I saw her that night at the wedding, she's become unforgettable.

I continued cooking, steering my mind toward other things.
My phone beside me in the kitchen, screaming out to me "Give her a call," it's so tempting.

It's funny the way things happen.
I'm thinking about calling her;
while at the same time, she was thinking about calling me.

She wanted to apologize for the way our first meeting went down;
for wasting my time;
said she was sorry.

Told her it's ok. Not to worry.
"But you've been on my mind, honestly."

She said "Really?"

I had plans for us that night.
I was intending on having us BREAK THE BED or breaking in the bed right."

"Wow😊," she replied!
That's something I've never heard said.
Like, I've heard my friends talk about you & them in the bedroom.
It's just more intense hearing the words come from you.

The conversation continued & got to a point where we were no longer talking or thinking about anything sexual.
Just enjoying each other's company, talking as friends.
Y'all know how it begins?

2 hours on the phone, laughing and talking about any & everything.
Then I said "Shouldn't you be spending some quality time with your boyfriend?"

And she said "He's out of town for work."

I looked down & I was like "OH, shit!"
There it is; my erection is back again.🤭

Then the words came out of my mouth.

She took a while to respond.
Fucking women— a long silence.
Always taking forever to make up your mind.😏
Like every second you lose you gon' get that back in time!
You lucky if you get that shit back in your lifetime.

Finally, the silence breaks.

And speaking of breaking things:
I now need a new bed frame.
For that was a really "HARD ONE."
Felt like we were doing CrossFit.
Then suddenly one of the boards split.😂

Very few women turn me on to that extent.
And when they do it sometimes results in a broken bed.
It was worth it though.
She's a TRUE RED;
naturally so, from her head right down to that deliciousness between her legs.

Man, it's good to be back home!
I love you, my Filipinas.
But most times, I had to train y'all, sexually speaking.
Although, you're very good students.👍

Whereas, my women here, no training needed.
I just lie back and they do their thing.

My Filipinas see 11 inches and say "Oh my god, that big cock will hurt me!"😬
But my ladies HERE say "OH MY GOD, baby HURT ME!"🤓

I enjoyed writing this one.😂😂😂
Until the next one.

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