WAR: Part 4

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I don't enjoy wielding a HEAVY HAND.
I am a LOVEr by HeaRT.
I will always warn you, in deep love, to stop before you start.

Challenging me is mistake you won't live to regret.

The night came.
I asked that I not be disturbed for the next 8 hours.
No emails, no text messages, no phone calls.

I had a beautiful woman coming over to see me.
And I was terribly horny;
and needing a stress relief.

The taxi pulled up in front of my house.
She got out.

I was on the porch.
Soft, relaxing music coming from my Bluetooth speaker.
A lit JOINT in one hand & Johnny walker in the other.

I deliberately sat there to look upon her as she arrived.

6 inch heels.
Long, strong legs.
It's obvious she's been in the gym working them.

Tight shorts;
wide hips;
sensual curves.
Enough to make any man's head turn.

Our eyes met.
She began walking.
Shoulder length red hair flowing.

She seems confident.
Not shy.
Not a single hint of nervousness in sight.
(A disguise?)

But, anyway, Good for her.
Sometimes I'm found to be an intimidating guy.

She got up close.
I stood up, extended my hand.
We hugged.

Scents of Bath & Body Works,
and Chanel, greet me.
Very popular among the ladies.
I know them well, really.

Welcome to my home.
Can I offer you something to drink?
Have you eaten?"

We both could eat.
I ordered drunken noodles, Thai.
I learned it was her favorite;
also mine.

The food would be delivered shortly.
We sat there, drinking, talking.

She asked what it was like living in Asia.
Whenever someone asks me that I give only one answer:

Old age & probably death will greet me in Asia.
I fell in love with the East;
food, women, culture;
it's a special place for me, like no other.

Before we proceeded any further,
I decided to ask about her boyfriend—
"Does he treat you right?
Do you love him?"

She said yes.
"I do.
He's not a bad guy.
He takes care of me;
treats me right."

"Then why are you here, with me, at my house?"

She said she didn't know why.
"You called and I didn't wanna say NO;
didn't know how.
I've heard about you;
I know your reputation;
you're a scary guy."

I guess there's some truth to that.
How do you refuse or say no to a man who can, with a mere wink or a raised hand, turn your life upside down?
Or worse.

How do you say "NO" to POWER?

"You know, my dear, you're not obligated to do anything.
You can leave right now & I would not be insulted or take offense.

Go home to your boyfriend.
And be happy & live well."

I called a taxi.
And as she was leaving the food was coming in.

I shouted, "RED, hold on!"
I gave her both mine and hers, with my compliments.

She thanked me.
Got into the taxi.
And we waved goodbye.

I went back to the porch.
Continued smoking my joint;
and drinking my drink.
And thought about what it truly means to have power and control over people & things.

"How easily this power can be misused.
How tempting it is to use it for your own personal gain.
And if you fall prey to such, the consequences can be destructive & far-reaching."🙄

My parents, my family, friends; they think me crazy for resuming the mantle of leadership & all the heartaches & problems which come with it.

But it's times like these, on this porch, in the company of a sexy, wide hipped, curvy, redheaded lady that I'm reminded of the necessity for GOOD LEADERSHIP.

There are many in THE ORGANIZATION who covet this power.
And because of their lust for it, they don't deserve it.

I know, as I speak, they're hatching plans to take it;
by force if needed.

I say a silent prayer for them.
And hope they heed my loving WARNING.👆

We are 20,000 strong; all over this nation.
Yet I can only think of 2 who are suited for my position.
Sadly, I am one of the 2;
The other, he doesn't want it.
(Ain't that a bitch?😏)

It began raining.
I finished my drink.
Had a slice of cake, some jello & ice cream;
watched some TV;
fell asleep horny.

I still have the desire to make love to another Redhead.
A True RED.
To strip her naked;
open her legs;
and see a landing strip that's naturally red;
just before my tongue part her lips & send shivers through her body, emanating from her clit.

But for now, I bite my lips;
take deep breaths;
shout at my erection;
fall to bed;
close my eyes;
for tomorrow is another day.

I really would've like to fuck her, HARD!
But even leaders should have limits;
right, y'all?

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