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I think, at this point, you all understand WHO I AM.
If you had any doubts before, now you understand, for sure.

What occurred last night is only the beginning.
Those 8 fools are GONE.
Their lives have reached their end;
snuffed out so quietly, they were dead long before they understood what was happening.

Only my most trusted know what happened to them.

Red and the Grandmother— you can never really be sure someone won't talk.
They're human beings; flawed.
All you can do is put safeguards in place to protect you if & when they do, talk.

Looking at my home you'd never have known what transpired the night before.
The CLEANERS do their work well.
Best in the business.

I imagine a few DOOMED souls were surprised to hear I'm still alive this morning.
Greeted with news my parents are still above ground this morning, alive & kicking.

What played out in their home was not much different.
Different home but same end result.
Boy, praise to the CLEANERS;
they are meticulous.
They cleaned her house better than she ever could, my mother.

I was sitting on HIS steps at 6am, waiting.
The beautiful sun rising.

No weapon.
I only brought with me a WARNING—


It was as though a GHOST he was seeing.😳

"Good morning, my old friend.

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