Preparing For The Target

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A day had passed since Y/N and Christopher's get together, And today was the day they were finally going to assassinate the Targeted Butterfly they had been assigned. Now all they had to do was prepare there equipment and ready their guns.
Location: Home-Base
No One's POV

I was so goddamn tired, I was so goddamn tired from day I had yesterday. I thought we were gonna be testing weapons for only a "few" hours, But it ended up lasting most of the day before absolutely going Crazy with Vigilante and Chris.

Now I was seen half assed carrying the equipment onto the Van that we were taking for the mission, We had finally tracked him down and the heat from Chris had finally died down.

Christopher: Dude, are you okay?

I look at Chris whilst yawning.

Y/N: Y-Yeah man, always..

I finish placing another bag into the Van, Harcourt and Leota walk out of the building also carrying bags.

Harcourt: Can you two hurry up?

Christopher: Hey! Don't start on me man, I checking on Y/N

Y/N: S-Sorry, I'm just zoning out

I see Harcourt look behind me before shouting out to something.

Harcourt: Hey you! Get the fuck out of here!

I quickly turn around to see Vigilante hiding behind a dumpster, He was peaking his head around the bin in a very obvious manner.

Y/N: Hey it's cool, it's just Vigilante

Christopher: (Scoff) He's just trying to be "Helpful"

After another shout from Harcourt, Vigilante finally pops out from the bin.

Vigilante: H-Hey! What's the big deal? I'm just trying to check on my friends!

Y/N: We're fine Vig, really

Vigilante: Well, I don't trust any of these people you two..And none of them are BFF material!

I chuckle whilst shaking my head.

Was this guy fucking serious?

Vigilante: But Peacemaker, if your gonna "Friend" one of them. It should be her (Points To Leota), Because there's rumours about you being a racist, Y'know?

Christopher: Vigilante just get out of here dude!

As John and Murn walk out, they quickly catch a glimpse of Vigilante quickly running away from the Bin and out of sight from any of us.

John: Isn't that guy wanted for murder?

Murn: That "Guy" is the least of our worry's right now, Now we have a butterfly to kill..

As the team load up into the Van I quickly call for Chris before pulling out a sniper and holding it out towards him.

Y/N: Here peace, a gift!

Chris looks at me slightly confused.

Christopher: I can't use this

Y/N: What? Why not?

Christopher: it doesn't have the dove of peace on it

I look at him with a blank expression.

Y/N: Just take the fucking gun, Dude

As I say this he quickly grabs the gun, We both hop into the Van and close the doors. As we all take out seats we quickly set off towards the location of the "butterfly".

(During The Van-Ride)

As we sat in the van, Myself in pure boredom. I watch as Leota takes a seat next to Murn before turning on an iPad. Chris and I look at each other in confusion, Only for it to be quickly broken when Murn begins to speak.

Murn: Listen up you two, Our targets name is Senator Rolan Goff, He's mostly known for his work about climate change...He is a butterfly..

Christopher: Okay, sweet! We're gonna kill him cause climate change is a hoax, Easy!

I roll my eyes and speak.

Y/N: Climate change isn't fake, dumbass!

Christopher: Whatever you say dude..

Murn sighs in annoyance before motion for Leota to switch the page, As she does this however. We're all met with the photo of...Female genitalia.. Chris is quick to widely open his eyes and burst out in surprise whilst I couldn't help but look away laughing. Leota quickly looks at the Pad before switching the photo and speaking.

Leota: FUCK! I-I am so sorry, Sir!

Everyone bursts out laughing.

Leota: I am so sorry! My wife sent it to me!

Christopher: (Whilst Laughing) You're wife!!

Murn: Everyone cut it out, Leota, change the photo..

Leota sighs before finally changing the photo and revealing a family with Senator Goff at the back of the photo. Two parents and two children..Slightly reminding me of my very own family..

Murn: This is Goff's family, we have yet to know if their also Butterflies..Depending on our recon, we may have to kill them too..

As Murn finishes his sentence, I couldn't help but look at him confused and disgusted.

Y/N: What? Their kids!

Christopher: That is kinda fucked up, Dude..

Harcourt: Really Chris? What happened to keeping peace at any cost?

Christopher: I-I stick by that, By if we don't know their not a threat why should we take that change to kill them?!

Murn: It's a precaution..Now, prepare you're gear..We'll arrive shortly..

As Murn finishes, He goes back to working on his weaponry and tech. I couldn't help but look down and think.


I can't kill kids..

Before I could continue thinking, the Van finally comes to a stop causing me to quickly snap myself out of my thoughts. As I stand up I grab my twin Hook-Swords before opening the Van door and walking out, I turn towards the rest of the team and speak.

Y/N: So..What exactly is the plan?

Murn: Leota, John and I will set up the cameras whilst you three will set up a recon post near the house..We'll all report of we see anything weird, Okay?

We nod our heads before separating.

As Chris, Harcourt continue to walk through the mini forest. We finally make it into a decent spot for the mini-base, I kneel down and look closer towards the large home.

Y/N: Whoever this butterfly is, He is loaded on cash man..

(A/N, hey guys, I know this chapter isn't a lot. But for now, it's a start, Okay? But be prepared because more is coming.)

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