The Nation of Contracts

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"Liyue is so beautiful." Y/n stood by the beautiful scenery of the Harbor. Busy people who all call out for customers and ships that go back and forth on the sea near the docks.

She began walking around the Liyue, looking for certain someone. Y/n was so stunned by how gorgeous the city is that she accidentally bumped into someone and her foot slipped. But before she could fall to the ground, the person caught her and helped her regain her balance. She looked up and first noticed the person's hair. Ginger.

"U-Uhm, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Please forgive me!" Y/n panicked and bowed down as an apology, but she heard a small chuckle from the person.

"Oh no no no no, it's alright!" The ginger said and gave her a small smile. "Do you want to come and eat with me? Take it as an apology for bumping into you too. My treat, of course!" The ginger invited Y/n and gave her a thumbs up.

"Alright. I will take that as an apology," Y/n sighed before walking down the way with the ginger.

"You don't look like you're from around here in Liyue? Where are you from?" The ginger asked Y/n, waving at the group of women who have hearts in their eyes.

"I'm from Mondstadt. I ran away from my parents, they've been mistreating me," She lied.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. But you can stay in Liyue as long as you want! Maybe you should live here too," the ginger cheered with his arms up in the air, Y/n giggled.

"I hope so. Also, may I ask your name?"

"I'm Number 11 of the Fatui Harbinger, Childe! But I also go by Tartaglia. You can call me either of those or make your own nickname for me," The ginger introduced himself with a bright smile plastered on his face.

"I'm Murasaki Takeuchi. Both of my parents are from Inazuma but I was born in Mondstadt. I'm planning to travel around Teyvat by myself," Y/n made up the story for her new identity.

"Teyvat takes a lot of time and money to spend. Since I'm a harbinger and sometimes roam around Teyvat, do you mind if I come along with your adventure?"

"Are you sure? Being part of the Fatui from what I've heard is quite exhausting,"

"It's alright, no need to worry so much about it! Though I do have a Fatui duties and businessed, I could still come along." Childe puffed and put his hands on his hips, being confident that he'll find an idea to still be with her.

"Or how about you join the fatui and be my personal secretary!?," Childe's eyes sparked when the light bulb on his mind turned on with the idea.

"Okay, alright, calm down for a little bit, Childe." Y/n stopped him and she watched him laugh softly.

They reached the Wanmin restaurant to have a food trip, ordering food as much as they could eat. Y/n found herself laughing at Childe for not knowing how to use chopsticks, he playfully glared at her for making fun of him.

"Don't laugh at me! I'm from Snezhnaya and, of course, would never know how to use chopsticks! We use spoons and forks there!" Childe defended himself as he watched Y/n uncontrollably laughing her ass off.

"It's your own problem! Back in Mondstadt, we also use spoons and forks! How am I being able to use chopsticks that good?" Y/n said while laughing, wiping tears in her eyes.

"Instead of laughing at me, could you just teach me instead? I'm truly begging you, so Zhongli and Hutao would stop making fun of me." Childe whined, begging for her to help him use chopsticks.

"Okay okay, I will teach you." Y/n gave in and gave Childe some wooden chopsticks instead of the metal ones.

𝐍𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Scaramouche x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now