hard times

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(fluff) harry can't help but be in love with his wife


Everyone knew that Harry was obsessed with his wife. The only thing that surpassed his love for his wife was his love for his wife as a mum, and his little twins.

When his twins were born about a year ago, he thought his heart was going to explode. Hearing his little boy and girl cry for the first time made him fall to his knees gasping for air, unable to stop tears from streaming down his face. He had anticipated the day for years, daydreaming about holding his children for the first time and marvelling at their beauty, but when the moment arrived, he was so overwhelmed with joy that all he could do was sob.

His family occupied his whole heart, and having them join him on his last tour was so special to him. Being 'The Harry Styles' and being a dad were his two favourite things. Performing to tens of thousands who practically worshipped him was great. Performing to tens of thousands who practically worshipped him and then going backstage to see his beautiful wife and children was even better. Getting to rock his babies to sleep and watch y/n nurse and take care of them never got old.

Now that tour has been over for a month or so and the Styles family had gotten the chance to settle into a new routine in their London home, Harry was high on domestic bliss. His babies were adjusting to their new schedule and were transitioning well to solid foods. But you couldn't have guessed from the way y/n was frantically writing out a detailed schedule and double checking that the food for the night were prepped and ready to go.

It was her first time going out with friends since becoming a mum, and despite having no reason to worry, she was worried. All the coffees she drank to try and last through the night did nothing to help her nerves, hence, her checking everything over and over.

A fond smile stretched across Harry's face as he watched y/n potter around the kitchen from the hallway. She was already dressed for the night in a glittery black one-shoulder dress, matching heels and a smudgy black eye liner look with a sharp red lip. Harry knew that this was her go-to when she wanted to look and feel her best. Despite still carrying some baby weight, seeing y/n all dressed up again took his breath away and immediately made him hot all over. She somehow got even more stunning. Her body was a reminder of how she provided for two babies, how she gave him the greatest gifts of his life, so of course he worshipped her body. In fact, he thinks he lusts after his wife even more now.

Once her bump started to show, he couldn't keep his hands off of her – stroking it, speaking to it, and kissing it. His favourite part of the day was when they were finally in bed and he could get his hands on his wife. He loved moisturising her bump for her, massaging her legs and feet to help with the swelling, and when the twins came, rubbing nipple cream after they were done nursing, taking advantage of the opportunity to pepper little kisses all over her. And almost every night without fail he would get hard. He couldn't help it, he was insatiable. His heart and his prick would both swell with affection and love upon seeing how good of a mum she was.

Dylan tugged at his curls, causing Harry to wince and say softly, "Ow baby, ya hurtin' daddy." He gently untangled his curls from Dylan's little hand and smacked a kiss onto his cheek. "Bored of just standing here with daddy huh? Let's go see your sister and mummy yeah."

As he walked into the kitchen, he let out a low whistle and said, "Look at this absolute babe in the kitchen."

"Stop it H," y/n muttered shyly. Even after all these years he never failed to make her blush.

"Wha'? Am I not allowed to give my wife compliments anymore?" He cupped her face with his free hand and pressed his lips against hers. He nibbled at her bottom lip and his hand travelled down her body to wrap around her waist and press her body against his. As he tried to slip his tongue into her mouth, something firm pressed against her stomach, causing her to pull back and gasp playfully.


"What!" he pouted.

She shook her head and teased, "We kissed for five seconds and you got hard."

"Wrong," he sang, raising his finger as if correcting her, "I've been hard for five minutes before we started kissing when I was watching you from over there."

This earned him an eyeroll and a playful smack to the stomach.

"I can't compliment my wife, I can't get love boners, what's a husband supposed to do huh? You are so beautiful, and you take such good care of our babies, of course I'm gonna get hard. You make me feral. Hottest woman alive."

"You are ridiculous." She brushed him off getting shy again and started going through the babies' routine for the night to try and take his attention off of her. "Make sure you test how hot the food is on your wrist before you feed them, and they need to finish their portions if not they will get hungry in the middle of –"

"Lovie," Harry interrupted, "we'll be fine ok. I have done this a thousand times and the babies have been so well behaved yeah. Don't worry about us and have fun, you deserve it ok." He pulled her into him again and said, pressing soft kisses onto her face in between every word, "Go and enjoy yourself."

"Okay, okay." She passed Darcy to Harry who immediately nuzzled into her father's warm chest. Harry carrying a baby on each hip was quite a sight, y/n supposes she understands his struggle because dad Harry did something to her.

Now that she didn't have a baby on her, she felt exposed. Being in an outfit she would have worn before becoming a mum made her feel almost corny.

Sensing her change in mood immediately, Harry lowers his voice and asks with concern, "What's wrong lovie?"

"It's nothing," she said, not wanting to bring down his mood. But of course, Harry knows his wife better than that, so he nudges his nose against her temple and whines, "Tell me, please."

Her shoulders drop with a small sigh and she plays with the hem of her dress, her gaze refusing to meet his. "I just feel a bit ... old. I'm a mum, almost turning 30 and I'm dressed as if I was still 20 years old."

His brows knit together. "Hey! You're not old. So what if you are almost 30, you look smoking hot in that dress and that makeup is sexy as fuck. I'm so fucking easy for you I got hard just from lookin' at ya." He then starts bouncing up and down to make his babies giggle. "Look at your mummy. Isn't she the most beautiful woman ever? Aren't we so lucky to have the best mummy ever?" Putting on a high pitched voice, he mimes the twins saying, "We love you mummy. We will be good for daddy so that you can get drunk. And when you come back you and daddy will make out and –"

"Harry Edward Styles!" she scolds. She gently hits his stomach again with a growing smile as he chuckled cheekily.

With one more goodbye and a kiss to each of her three babies, y/n finally left for her night out.


Closing the door behind her, y/n quietly unbuckled her heels and followed the low mumbling from the tv to where she expected Harry to be. In the living room was her 6ft husband curled up on the couch with Friends still playing. She knelt down beside his head and gently stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead. "Honey, wake up."

With a whine, he uncurled himself and did a big stretch. When he blinked open his eyes and saw his wife, his mouth settled into a pout and asked hoarsely, "Kissy?"

"Of course honey," she mumbled through a smile. He was too cute.

On their walk to their bedroom Harry refused to let go of her. He hugged her arm to his chest the entire time, pushed her hand away when she tried to unzip her dress herself, and hugged her from behind, resting his head on her shoulder and nuzzling into her neck as she took off her makeup and brushed her teeth.

She turned to face him and muttered into his cheek still buried in the crook of her neck, "You alright honey?"

"Mhmm," he hummed, "just missed you tha's all."

"I missed you too. You wanna cuddle now?"

He squeezed her tighter and nodded. Unable to escape his embrace, y/n opted to walk to bed with her pouty husband clinging to her. When he found a comfortable spot cuddled up against her chest, he whispered, "I love you. Our babies are perfect. Our family is perfect."

She couldn't agree more.

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