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harry is usually a professional but a fan interaction causes his mind to wander back to the love of his life

(thank you for reading :D)


As the spotlight comes on and the cheers from the audience grows louder, Harry takes the opportunity to pose in the middle of the stage as he drinks in the applause. The long awaited One Night Only shows have arrived and he is thrilled to be back on stage finally performing the new songs.

"Good evening, everyone and thank you for choosing to spend your Friday night with me," he greets. "I hope everyone is having a good time and enjoying the new album," – he pauses as the crowd screams in response – "and I am very excited to be back on stage performing for all of you."

After introducing his band (and bothering Mitch), he pulls on the microphone wire and starts walking down the runway, looking out into the crowd, and reading the fan signs. Using his hand to shield his eyes from the lights, he makes out a sign from the back that says, 'DID YOU SAY GOODNIGHT TO THE TWINS?' in reference to the voice note from As It Was.

"This person way at the back wants to know if I said goodnight to my twins and unfortunately I haven't." When the crowd starts to teasingly boo at him, he puts his hand up and says, "Wait, wait, let me finish. I haven't said goodnight to them because they are still awake. In fact, they are in here somewhere watching the show. So, thank you to this person for trying to make me look bad at my own show."

When he turns to walk back onto the stage, he catches what the fan is wearing on the big screen. His eyes shoot open when he realises what is on their shirt, causing him to spin on his heels and march back to where he was.

"I uh, I happened to get a good look at your shirt on the jumbotron." He strokes his chin as if he were deep in thought, eliciting some giggles. "Now, I have a question for you," he shoots his hand out and points at the fan, looking them straight in the eye, "why do you have a shirt with my wife's face on it, and why does it say 'milf' in capital letters?"

The arena erupts into a combination of cheers of approval and laughter. With a bowed head, he starts to pace along the runway, shaking his head and tsking into the microphone.

"First, you ask about my children, and now you seem to have the hots for my wife. What is going on?" He leans forward to try and read their lips. "Do I want one? Yes! Of course I want one, it's a shirt with my wife's face on it that says milf. Are you trying to steal my family from me? I just wrote a whole album about my wife and kids, and it'll be a little awkward if you are."

Happy with the level excitement he managed to evoke, he struts back to his spot on the stage wearing a small self-satisfied grin.

"I apologise to everyone for what just happened. It was very inappropriate because this is a family show." He pauses for effect. "Or is it? No, no, no, it is. My kids are here so everyone needs to be on their best behaviour, so none of this 'milf' business, okay?"


Several encores later, Harry finds himself still reluctant to leave the stage, even though his knitted polo shirt is drenched in sweat and he is basically panting from how much dancing he did. While he exchanges congratulations and hugs with his team, he notices that his wife is missing. So, he gives a little thank you speech to wrap the night up and sends everyone off to celebrate the start of a new era.

The original plan was to meet y/n in the green room and transfer the twins into their cots in the hotel, before joining the rest of the crew in the bar that was rented for the night. But after speaking with the fan with the t-shirt, all he could think about for the rest of the show was his family.

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