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(comfort/fluff) the twins are fussy and harry just wants to help


Harry quietly thanked his driver with one foot already out the door. He was eager to get to his hotel room.

Before the twins were born, he naively thought that having his babies on tour with him meant that he would get to watch them dance along to his music every night and shower them with kisses before and after each show. He failed to realise that the twins would be fed and put to bed before the show even started, and that y/n would have to spend most shows watching from the screen in the dressing room, ready to feed them almost hourly. Thankfully, he still got to rock them to sleep every night. That private quiet moment between him and his wife would become something so precious to him, exchanging jokes and stealing little kisses while they each rocked a twin to sleep.

But tonight wasn't one of those nights. Darcy and Dylan were fussy the whole day, refusing to nap and feed for more than half an hour at a time. Their little lips remained in a pout, only stopping to wail murderously. Needless to say, y/n was frazzled and stressed. She knew that the twins were starting to annoy the staff and crew and every time Harry had to stop working to check in on her, the guilt of being a bad mum would build. Not wanting to seem unable to control her children in front of everyone, she told him it would be best to bring the twins back to the hotel room. y/n knew it was the right decision, but she couldn't help but feel disappointed for taking them away from Harry, especially when his face fell when he realised that he wouldn't get to put the twins to sleep.

A loud cry was audible the moment the lift opened at his floor. He broke out into a jog.

"Hey H, how was the show tonight?" she asked with a shaky smile before trying to discreetly wipe the tears welling in her eyes.

Harry barely heard her over the twins' crying. As he got changed, he took in the scene in front of him: his wife sitting up against the headboard nursing Dylan, who looked like he was refusing to latch, whilst trying to pat Darcy, who was screaming bloody murder, back to sleep.

"Oh, mama. I'm sorry they haven't been good for ya." He picked Darcy up and tucked her face into his neck. "Shh, daddy's got ya ok? Please go to sleep baby."

He leaned down to press a long, gentle kiss on y/n's forehead to hopefully comfort her too. Despite the dim lighting, Harry could tell that she was frustrated and on the verge of tears.

Eyes never leaving y/n, Harry bounced Darcy in his arms by the side of the bed, humming lowly in her ear. He tried to keep calm and slow his heartbeat so that his chest would rise and fall at a slow, soothing pace, to hopefully lull his daughter to sleep. It was a real mental exercise because every time Daniel unlatched and started to whimper, y/n would sigh, and her shoulders would slump lower and lower. She hadn't released her lower lip from her teeth the entire time. All Harry wanted was to take her in his arms and remind her what a great mother she was, and how much he loved her – anything to make her feel better.

Over an hour later, both babies had finally gone back to sleep. Dylan was finally full and had fallen asleep against y/n's bare chest. He let out a deep exhale, hoping that the worst of it was over. He gently moved Dylan from y/n's arms to his cot and gently kissed each baby one last time before diverting his attention to his wife.

She was still sat upright with arms laid out in front of her where Dylan once was, brows still furrowed and lower lip still in an intense bite, except her eyes were now closed. Harry had never seen a sadder tableau.

"Can I touch you lovie?" he asked nervously. Her body had been through so much, he was scared to add to any discomfort.

Upon receiving the slightest nod, Harry gently cleaned the spit and breast milk with a warm damp cloth before applying nipple cream as lightly as possible. After lowering her shirt, he crawled in beside her and tucked her into his arms.

His cheek rested on her head, eyes closed, and held her tight. "Tell me how you feel, please lovie," he whispered.

At first, there was nothing. And then, she started trembling.

"It's ok, let it all out mama. You did so good today by yourself, handling two fussy babies. I'm sorry I couldn't be here with you the whole time. You are incredible and we are so lucky to have you."

She started crying harder. It only took a second for him to join her.

Tears silently streamed down his face as he cradled y/n's face into his neck. Her muffled cries and harsh hiccups only broke Harry's heart more.

When she started to catch her breath, she finally found her voice again, "I'm sorry I couldn't do it."

Harry lifted his head abruptly. "What?"

"I couldn't take care of them."

"What do you mean? You did take care of them, that's why they're happy and healthy in their cots right now."

She let out a breathy whimper at the reminder of the night. "That was you."

"Hey," Harry cupped her cheek and angled her head so that he could look her in the eyes, "that wasn't just me. I didn't bleed and ache to feed the twins. It was us, yeah. It has been and always will be us."

"I'm a bad –"

"- don't even start with me," he scolds. "It was the first time they have been so fussy, and you can't possibly nurse a baby while rocking the other. You did your best and that will always be good enough yeah."

"But it's my job to take care of them," she protested. "You shouldn't have to work all day and then come back to screaming and crying. I have one job and I couldn't do it."

Harry leans to rest his forehead against hers. "We are a team," he said, kissing her nose between each word. "Being a parent is not just your job. I'm not at my job 24/7, so why should you?

"And you don't just take care of the babies, you also take care of me, every second of every day. You gave up so much to be a full-time mum so that I could see my family on tour, because I am selfish and want to be with my babies every day. You love this family so much and that will always be enough."

When y/n's bottom lip starts to tremble again, his eyes grow wide, and he immediately goes to comfort her. "Please don't cry anymore lovie. I love you so much."

"It's sappy tears now. You are too good to me. I love you and I'm so happy it's you."

Just as she finished her sentence, Harry closed the inch between them and pressed his lips softly to hers. She places her hand on his chest and deepens the kiss a little, allowing herself to just focus on Harry.

They separate and just gaze at each other for a minute, exchanging tender smiles. When the exhaustion of the night finally catches up them, they curl up against each other, enjoying the safety of each other's embrace.

"I'm so happy it's you too."

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