listening party

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Life has been moving fast. Since promo for Harry's House begun, Harry has been flying around America, doing interview after interview, and rehearsing a new setlist on top of that. Coachella was the first big event of this work cycle with Harry leaving London for the first time since finishing filming. Even though his team was prepared to make special accommodations for y/n and the twins to accompany him to the dessert, she didn't feel comfortable bringing their barely one year old babies to a music festival, so she elected to stay home. She was glad she did because as Harry's unofficial representative, she volunteered to plan the Harry's House fan events, which meant that she was in meetings and liaising with vendors and organisers daily.

The Styles family only reunited about a month after at the listening party in New York. When she arrives at the party venue, she situates her nanny and kids in a room at the back of the venue before going around to check that everything is in place. And that's how Harry finds her, signing for the food by the back door.

Before she can start pushing the trolley of food to the tables, a strong pair of arms wrap around her body, tugging her back into something sturdy. She knows its her husband without even looking, of course; his scent and body is too familiar.

He kisses her once on her temple and once on her neck. "I missed you lovie. I hate leaving you at home so much," he whispers into the crook of her neck, burying his face as deep as he can.

That is his favourite place to be, tucked into his wife and breathing her in.

"I missed you too, H. I'm so proud of you. And the babies miss you so much."

"Are they here yet, I wanna see them."

After delegating the task of setting up the food to a member of staff, y/n leads her eager husband, who is swinging their connected arms excitedly, to the baby room. The moment Harry sees the twins crawling on the carpet in matching duck onesies, his face lights up and starts making grabby hands at them.

"Hi my loves," he coos, "daddy missed you." Joining them on the carpet, he seats the twins on his lap, one on each thigh. "Oh, I missed these cuddles so much. Both of you look smashing. Matching with daddy, very good choice."

Maybe it's the narcissist in him but he loves commissioning baby replicas of his outfits. He loves when his mini-mes look like mini-hims. And he has no shame letting people know too, didn't even stutter when asking Gucci to make identical feather coats for his one-year olds.

While his attention is fully held by Darcy and Dylan, peppering their little faces with kisses and tickling their bellies, y/n gives the photographer approval to capture the moment. Nothing makes her heart melt like seeing Harry be a father.

"Do you want to bring them around? I was thinking of letting them explore the couches and the pop-up house before everyone arrives. They also have a change of clothes so they could try painting the mural."

Harry looks up at his wife and smiles. "You think of everything don't you? Thank you for organising the event, you did such a good job."

They share a quick kiss as she blushes.

"I didn't do much and it was fun. You know I love doing stuff like this."

He rolls his eyes at her modesty and passes Dylan to her before asking the photographer to take a family photo. One of them smiling and one with him quickly kissing her cheek.

They let the twins waddle around the pop-up house as they watch with love and adoration in their eyes. Seeing how steady the twins have become on their feet makes Harry a little emotional. It's always hard seeing his babies grow up.

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