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hello everyone thanks for reading and voting!! this is my best attempt at writing angst lol but because im a big baby it is still incredibly fluffy so i hope you guys enjoy it!!


Turns out being a rockstar wife and mother is not as easy as being a rockstar girlfriend. Instead of just being responsible for scheduling and taking behind the scenes content, she now has to pack for two one year olds, who are starting to teeth, on top of ensuring that every green room, hotel room, and tour bus has the proper accommodations for the family of four.

Does she miss parading around with Harry looking hot? Sure. But would she change a thing about her life now? Never.

Well, usually her response would be never, but right now she wants to throttle her husband.

"Harry, don't forget to pack the bassinets, okay."

Not looking up from his screen he hums, "Mmmh."

She doesn't know what to take from that response.

She knows he has been busy and stressed with his upcoming tour being the biggest solo venues yet. He's spent the whole week rewatching rehearsal videos and looking over the stadium plans to mentally map out his show. This week at home was pencilled in to give him a little break between the promo shows and the tour, and y/n had hoped that they'd get to spend some time together as a family and let the twins to play outside before they would be relegated to just playing among themselves in hotel rooms. Unfortunately, Harry's mind has been so preoccupied with the shows that most of the trips to the park have been without him.

Harry has always been good with splitting his time between family and career, living up to his promise that being a dad would always be a priority, so y/n lets him spend the week working this one time. However, her generosity is wearing thin.

The only thing designated to Harry (on top of packing his day clothes and carry on) is packing the bassinets, which encompasses breaking them down into parts and tessellating them in their travel bags. Simple enough. But they are set to leave tomorrow, and the bassinets have yet to be touched and every time she has reminded him to get on it, he has similarly agreed dismissively. She wants to trust her husband because he's not one to be irresponsible, especially not with his babies, but her mum instincts are telling her to not take it for granted.

So, she reminds Harry again when they sit down for lunch, before y/n leaves for a walk with the twins, and in the middle of dinner, the last of which causes him to snap.

"Geez," he exclaims whilst letting his cutlery fall noisily onto the marble table, "how many times are you gonna remind me. I'm not a child, I don't need to be nagged at."

Taken aback by his sudden attitude, she stares at him unmoving with eyebrows pinched.

"I just don't want you to forget considering that we're leaving early tomorrow morning and it's still not packed. And every time I've reminded you, you've been busy with work stuff, I don't know if you've actually heard me. Maybe if you just communicated with me like an adult then I wouldn't have to keeping reminding you."

He rolls his eyes this time. "If y'know I'm busy with work then why do you keep bothering me. Two babies aren't enough to keep you preoccupied. Fuck."

"Fine," she replies shortly, "I'm sorry for disrupting your work, Harry. Feel free to get back to work whenever you wish."

She clears her plate, then carries the twins up to get them ready for bed silently, not looking back at him once. He rolls his eyes at her attitude again and huffs under his breath as he goes back to eating.

They fall asleep without saying another word to each other.


Backstage is bustling with activity. Mitski just started her set and the band are listening from the screen in the green room while trying to get focused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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