vogue beauty secrets

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(fluff) get unready with harry


"Hello Vogue, this is Harry Styles and come get unready with me." Harry punctuates his introduction with a wave and closed-mouthed smile, donned in a fluffy purple robe.

He feels weird doing his daily nighttime routine in front of a ring light and camera instead of beside his wife, but being able to hear her pottering around in their room was making the process a little less mechanic.

It was the first pit-stop on tour, and he was staying at a service apartment in New York with his wife and twins. Normally, he wouldn't sacrifice his day off to do any sort of work or promo. But he figured he could get this done pretty quickly, and Vogue had been so gracious to him before. At least he already got to rock the twins to bed and sit on the counter and watch y/n did her skincare routine.

Harry picks up a headband with cat ears and shows it off to the camera with a cheeky grin. "First things first, we have'ta push the hair back. My wife scolds me when I come to bed with a wet fringe." When his hair is secured under the headband, he puts up a peace sign and poses for the camera, giving everyone the perfect opportunity to screenshot Harry Styles with cat ears.

"This is the cleanser I use," he brings the tube close to the lens for it to focus on the label.

"Since having the babs I've been breakin' out a lot more because they like to put their dirty lil' hands all over my face, so my wife recommended this one to me. If I'm carryin' 'em and their excited about something they like to smack their hands about, and most of the time they end my smacking my face." Despite rolling his eyes and shaking his head, he could not stop a fond smile from creeping onto his face.

As he lathers his cleanser onto his face, the bathroom door opens and y/n walks in whilst typing on her phone.

"H, did your mum get back to you about the –"

"Honey, I'm filming," he says, quickly reaching forward to angle the camera so that his wife, who was just in his shirt and underwear, was out of frame.

Immediately freezing on the spot, y/n looks up from her phone alarmed. She sheepishly mutters, "Sorry, H," and creeps out of the bathroom backwards.

"That was the woman who taught me everything I know about skincare everyone," he says to the camera with a proud grin. "Now, let's wash this stuff off shall we." He reframes the shot and ducks his head down to rinse off the cleanser.

Reemerging with a towel, he says with his eyes still closed, "Only pat your face, don't rub it dry." As he tosses the towel aside, he adds softly, "My wife taught me that as well."

He wipes his toner over his face and launches into a little rant about how he isn't sure that toners do anything. And as he stands fanning his face with his hands, a loud wail can be heard. Moving on instinct, Harry immediately pokes his head out the bathroom door and shouts, "Do you need me lovie?"

"I got it H, it's just the one bab. I'm going to give her a bottle."

"Sorry, let me check on the other baby. You can edit round this bit," he tells the camera, before darting out with his headband still on. When he gets back, he wipes imaginary sweat off his forehead with an exaggerated huff. "My wife's got it handled everyone, nothing to worry about."

"We're almost done everyone. My routine is actually only three steps but it's taken me" – he takes a peak at the time on his phone – "oof, twenty five minutes to get through two steps for some reason. Right, let's slap on some moisturiser so I can get in bed with my wife."

Silently, Harry picks up a tub of moisturiser and holds it up as if he was doing an infomercial. With big, exaggerated movements, he dabs the product all over the face, then rubs it in slowly. Once he is done, he whips of the headband and makes a show of shaking out his hair.

"That's it, pretty simple. I am officially unready and ready for bed. I hope you guys had fun watching me put stuff on my face, and um, enjoy the rest of tour. Goodnight." He signs off with another smile and wave.

Harry slips out of his on-camera persona and turns all the equipment off. He exits the bathroom to see y/n already tucked under the thick duvet, face illuminated by her phone. Taking off his robe, his lips form a pout as he slowly makes his way to the bed.

Looking up at his, y/n coos, "Aw, did my baby have a hard day at work, washing your face for camera?"

"Shut up, I missed you." He crawls under the duvet and immediately curls around y/n, his head taking residence on her chest. "Did Darce give you a hard time?"

She puts her phone down and starts running her fingers through his hair. "No, she was an angel. Went right to sleep after I fed her."

Snuggling closer, Harry buries his face further into her chest. "My perfect chunky girl," he hums, voice muffled.

With one last kiss to the top of his head, they exchanged goodnights and slowly fell asleep, content with the life they had built for themselves.

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