Part 6

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"Damon?" Emma called out as she entered the boarding house, she was here to get some answers and she didn't plan to leave until she did.

She heard a commotion in the main room and started running that way. When she finally reached the room she saw Damon and Stefan fighting, but more than that, they were each holding a weapon. Damon had a stake and Stefan was fending him off with a fire poker. When they both heard Emma's boots hitting the floor and stopping, they both turned towards her.

"Emma, run," Damon shouted at her.

It took her a moment too long to register what he had commanded her to do and by the time she had turned around Stefan was in front of her, forcing her into the main area with Damon. Stefan's eyes had the tell-tale veins around his eyes, his fangs were exposed as he hissed at her to scare her back faster.

"Vampire," Emma said quietly in disbelief as she continued to back towards Damon.

She flicked her wrist and a stake popped out of the contraption that Alaric had made, and into her hand, she held it up and showed that she was ready to defend herself.

"Looks like Alaric has been showing you some of his toys," Stefan said menacingly before straightening his stance and turning his head to the side, "I wonder if he has shown your sister the same gadgets?"

Emma threw the stake at him like a throwing knife and hit him in the center of the chest, he pulled it out without even flinching, "You missed by about two inches."

Stefan looked at his fire poker for a moment before moving like lightening and throwing it in the same style at Emma, he hit her in the side of her thigh and she fell to her knee.

"Emma!" Damon yelled before he ran over to her and tried to assess the situation.

"I'd love to stay, but I've got to say good-bye to Klaus, he is off on a road trip," Stefan turned to walk out the door, "maybe I'll stop somewhere in-between for a drink there before I get there."

After the door slammed behind him Damon turned to Emma's wound, she wasn't bleeding as much as she would have been if he had hit anything major. Emma hissed in pain and she worked to move into a sitting position.

"Just pull it out, we have to go after him," Emma pointed at her leg before her tone changed to disbelieve, "Stefan is a vampire."

"Apparently," Damon said as he looked for a good way to pull out the fire poker.

"Oh my God, Damon, he is your brother," Emma's eyes widened, "are you okay? Did you know? Is this why you were acting so weird the other day?"

"Emma," Damon forced her attention back to him, "let's focus on this right now, we can focus on that in a minute."

He turned back to her leg and had almost made the decision to just take her to the hospital when she grasped her hand around it and yanked upwards. The only sound she made was a slight gasp, after she tossed it to the side and it clanked against the tiles she looked up at Damon, whose only facial expression was just shock and awe.

"Damon," Emma looked down at the floor before she spoke and then looked back up at him, "he is going to kill someone, assuming he hasn't already, I know he is your brother, but we have to end this."

"I know," Damon said as he helped Emma back up to her feet, he tried to pick her up, but she refused and began to limp towards the front door.

"You knew what he was, didn't you," Emma stopped walking and accused Damon as if she had just realized something, "you were defending yourself with a stake. You know about everything, don't you."

Wayward Heart: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now