Part 18

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Emma sat in a cold, dark room alone. She only had a few feet to move and her hands were bound in chains that linked to the floor. Her only visits were from Klaus and two of his hybrids, to draw some of her blood. They would then leave again and come back later for more.

"I'm telling you brother, she looks just like her," Emma could hear Klaus talking.

"We shall see," a deep, confident sounding voice replied.

Emma squinted as light poured into her holding cell, it took her eyes a moment to focus before she could see that Klaus was accompanied by someone. The someone was tall, he was wearing a dark blue suit and held him self with a borderline air of arrogance. When Klaus's companion's eyes met Emma's he somehow seemed to stand even straighter than he already was.

"Alice?" The man asked in shock.

Emma shook her head, "Not even close."

"This my brother, is Emma," Klaus stepped closer to Emma, "a distant relative of your Alice."

"Another doppelgänger?" The man asked.

"I thought so at first," Klaus explained, "but her blood does nothing special, at least not that I've found. I guess she just hit the genetic lottery in the Petrova line."

"Guess you missed a few of Kathrine's family when you went on your rampage," the man crossed his arms.

"So Elijah, I decided to keep her around for you, let you decide if she lives or dies," a cruel smile flashed across Klaus's face, "god knows I need to show those dammed Salvatore brothers how to stay in line."

"Please leave us," Elijah requested of his brother.

Klaus let go of Emma and walked to the door, "Have fun!"

Emma's eyes held Elijah's, she refused to back down and show him any fear. He had to admit he was impressed with her bravery.

"If I let you out of your chains can you promise to not hurt anyone else here?" Elijah asked.

Emma thought for a moment, she decided honesty was the best foot to start on if she was going to make an ally, "I can't promise that."

Elijah nodded, "I can appreciate you being honest, but in that case, the chains stay."

Emma shrugged but didn't say anything.

"Why are you so important to the Salvatore brothers that my brother would like to use you against them?"

"I'm not," Emma said quietly, "at least not anymore."

"I know those brothers well, if you were important to them once then they will fight for you."

Emma shook her head, "Stefan killed my sister and Damon...he killed my best friend."

Elijah sensed Emma's hesitancy to speak about Damon, "You care about the oldest Salvatore, don't you?"

"Just go away," Emma turned away from Elijah and faced the concrete wall.

The wind behind Emma moved quickly for a moment, when she looked over her shoulder Elijah was gone and her cell was relocked. She let her thoughts float back to Damon, her heart ached for him, she felt lonelier than she ever had. A silent tear slid down her cheek.

"Hey," Alaric spoke to Dean on the phone, "how is Emma?"

"She's fine, she just doesn't want to talk to anyone," Dean replied as if he was reading from a script.

"Okay, tell her to call me," Alaric hung up his phone and shrugged at Damon who was looking at him, "same as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that."

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