Part 31

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When they entered the gym Damon grabbed Emma's hand and led her out to the dance floor, he wrapped one arm around her waist and held her close as he led the dance to the rhythm of the music.

"What are you doing?" Emma tried to hide a smile from him but failed.

Damon spun her elegantly before pulling her in again, "I figured we should at least enjoy one dance before all hell breaks loose."

Emma put her head on his chest as they continued to sway. When the song stopped she looked up at him, he leaned down and kissed her gently.

"Let's find Stefan and come up with a plan," Damon took her hand again and pulled her off of the dance floor.

Damon managed to catch Stefan's eye and motioned for him to meet them in the hall. Emma groaned when she saw Elena was joining them as well.

"What's the plan?" Stefan looked to Emma for the answer.

"We get him, and I take him to the bunker in Kansas," Emma explained, "hopefully by the time I get there Sam will have found something. At the very least they can keep him locked up way more securely than we can."

"How?" Elena asked, "We need to find a cure or something."

Damon sighed, "We tried medicine, we've tried magic."

"What if we get him off of vervain?" Stefan suggested, "We could compel him."

"What? To pretend to be Alaric?" Damon said angrily, "The guy that we know is gone. We're talking about someone who not only hates vampires, but vampire sympathizers; which means you Emma."

"Do you think he would go after Elena?" Stefan asked.

Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes, before looking over at Damon, "So what are you suggesting? My plan is clearly the best."

Damon tried to brace himself for what was about to happen when he said his plan, "I'm suggesting, we put him out of his misery."

No one could have predicted how quickly and explosively Emma would react.

"No!" She shoved Damon so hard he stumbled back into the lockers, "No way in hell!"

"It's what he would want Emma, a mercy killing," Damon tried to defend himself, but his eyes widened as he watched Emma coming after him, he moved out of the way before she could reach him.

"Are you out of your mind?" Emma screamed, light bulbs began popping around them as Emma's rage grew.

Stefan reached his hand out and put it on Emma's shoulder in an attempt to distract her, but as soon as she felt his touch she grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back before throwing him on the floor. She turned and started running down the hall to the exit door. A new urgency to find Alaric surged through her.

Elena followed her into the parking lot, "Emma wait!"

Emma didn't bother to turn around, "Do you really think it's a good idea for you to be out here Elena? You're just a human and I just threw Stefan like he was a sack of potatoes."

"I want the same thing you do," Elena called after her, the statement made Emma stop in her tracks and turn to face her.

"Damon?" Emma sarcastically asked.

Elena stopped walking, deciding to keep a distance between herself and Emma.

"Elena," someone called out from behind Emma.

Emma turned to see who it was, she took a step back when she was confronted with Ester, the Original witch.

"If you wish to help your friend Alaric, I suggest you come with me," Ester offered.

Wayward Heart: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now