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"I really feel that I'm losin' my best friend"Don't speak - no doubt

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"I really feel that I'm losin' my best friend"
Don't speak - no doubt

November 5, 2022

"Sit still, Holly"
Mike told his younger sister

It was 2:00 in the afternoon on a Saturday and for the first time since middle school Mike had no plans.
He resorted to staying home with his parents and little sister. Holly was watching cartoons and asked her brother to braid her hair, which he had never done but he had nothing better to do.

"I'm surprised you're still here, you don't have plans for today?"
His mom, Karen, asked looking up from the magazine in her hands

"Not today, all my friends are busy"
Mike sighed, he was frustrated with Holly's long blonde hair. Braiding hair wasn't his forte

"What about Dustin and Lucas?"
Mike really wanted to roll his eyes now, he didn't like it when his mom intruded too much in his social life.

"Dustin went to a convention with Robin and Steve, and Lucas went to visit his grandparents"
He said rebraiding Holly's hair

"What about Jane? Oh and Max?"
Now he actually rolled his eyes, why did she suddenly care so much about him?

"They went to a concert"
Mike mumbled keeping his eyes on the braid

"What about Will?"

He was so done

"Why do you suddenly wanna know everything about my social life? My friends are just busy its not a big deal"
The raven haired boy seethed getting up from the couch he was seated on

"I'm sorry I care about you, Mike"
His mom shook her head

"Just...don't ask too much" Mike said "Will's with his uh...g-girlfriend"
He lied

"Will has a girlfriend?!"
Karen exclaimed throwing her magazine across the room

"Y-yeah her name's...Ell-Ella"
Mike made up a name on the stop

He didn't quite know if his mom was supportive of gay people so he decided not to tell her.

"Huh...that's weird"
Karen got up from the couch and picked up her magazine. Her red heels tapping on the dark wooden floor.

He asked while finally finishing the last braid

"Joyce told me he's gay"
Karen gave Mike a confused look

"Oh" His brown eyes widened "and you don't like...mind that?"

"Michael Wheeler! I did not raise you to judge people because of who they love!"
Karen slapped his shoulder an "ow" escaping his lips

"Mom! That's not what I meant, I know he's gay" He reached one hand to his shoulder massaging it "I didn't know if you were...supportive or whatever"

"Of course I am, plus Will is a lovely boy he doesn't deserve anyone's hate"

"Yeah, he's great" Mike smiled "Well he's with his boyfriend or whatever that dude is, they hang out all the time, His names Elliot"

"Is he nice?"
Mike wasn't minding her questions that much anymore

"I guess, but some of the boys he talks to are homophobic"
He rolled his brown eyes

"Well, make sure they don't do anything to Will alright?"
Mike nodded smiling

Maybe his mom wasn't so bad to talk to


"I bet you think about me..."
Mike trailed off listening to the song that was playing from his phone

He lay in his bed, his feet hanging off the bed.
He was wearing red shorts with no shirt on, no one would be seeing him either way.

He was tired, but not sleepy. All he wanted to do was talk to Will. Like they would be doing if it was any other Saturday, before that first date with Elliot.
He always knew Will would eventually find someone to date, but he didn't think it would be like this.

Maybe he deserved it, maybe he deserved to feel like he was loosing his best friend.
He had probably made Will feel like this at the beginning of his relationship with Jane. When everything was wild and crazy. When his love for Jane was passionate and not whatever this was. Maybe one day he'd feel that way again, but today was not the day. Jane couldn't occupy his mind anymore, he couldn't keep pretending. If this was love then he didn't want to know love.

Mike always thought his love for Jane would grow and grow, but it wasn't growing, it was getting fainter and fainter. Until one day he knew it would die off.

But he didn't want that day, this was his cover. If this was over he'd have to deal with other feelings, for other people. For people he felt like he wasn't supposed to like. It was confusing, Jane and him had been together since they were 14 but suddenly it felt wrong. Like he was hurting himself and her. Because it was all fake, he knew exactly what he felt, he knew exactly what Jane felt.
Which wasn't love, at least not for each other.
He had known Jane was falling out of love with him -if she ever loved him- and falling in love with someone else.

He always wondered who she was falling for, maybe a guy from school, maybe a guy she met somewhere else, maybe it wasn't even a guy. He always discarded that idea, but today he really thought about it, what if Jane was just like Him, but completely opposite from him.

Falling out of love with a boy and falling in love with a girl.

He was falling out of love with a girl but falling in love with a boy.

He had to accept it, his heart belonged to none other than Will Byers.
But what if Will's heart belonged with someone else? Maybe Elliot was his person.

A little more of Mike's POV. Idk how I feel abt this chapter but I like Karen in this. I wanted to make everyone in this story supportive (except for certain antagonists) idk I just felt like doing that so enjoy our ally Karen.
Alsooo would you guys like to see henclair? (DustinxLucas) I actually do ship them a little and would definitely enjoy writing about them. But I wanna know if you guys would like
the next chapter is a godamn roller coaster
Word count: 1004

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