Chapter 5- Lillies

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So I finally have my 1017th fan! Woot Woot!! That's my fav # if you didn't already know. The pic on the side is Marty :) your welcome lol


Chapter 5

Jennifer’s POV

As my eyes opened, I realized I was in my bed. I guess the guys brought me home and up to bed. Would Jase really do the things they said? He was a player before. The guys have always been a little annoying and try to not let me in on their activities but they never and I mean never have lied to me about anything remotely important. There is only one person I can call right now, Patricia. Dialing her number, I wait as it rings and rings. Finally, she answers.

“Hello, there chica. So, tell me how was he?” she asked with amusement clear in her voice.

“Tricia, I didn’t do anything with Jase last night. The guys beat the crap out of him and hauled my butt home,” I told her with tears in my voice.

“Honey, really what did you expect to happen when you invited them along?” she asked. “I just assumed when I didn’t see you that things had went well for you,” she told me.

“Oh my God, Tricia, the guys told me that Jase cheated on me at the party and last week too,” I tell her awaiting her response and she is silent.

“Tricia?” I ask.

“Yes, he did, last week I mean,” she said sounding really guilty.

“Why didn’t you tell me!” I exclaim.

“I tried, you refused to listen to anything about him unless it was flowers and rainbows! How did the guys get you to listen? Tie your ass down or what?” she asked really upset.

“Oh, um actually kind of,” I replied feeling a little stupid. When had she tried to tell me?

As if she could hear my thoughts she said, “Last Wednesday, when I told you that Jase was no good and you need to open your eyes. You told me to shove off and laughed at me without giving me a chance to tell you what he did. I’m sorry I guess I should have found a way to tell you,” she said.

Tears began falling and there was no stopping them. “I have to go Tricia,” I said hanging up as I heard her calling out to me. I lay there for a very long time, I’m not sure how long and just cried until my breathing was hitching violently. How was I so stupid to think I could change a player? He probably doesn’t even like me; he just wanted to deflower another virgin. Dammit! I know I am not the prettiest girl, I have no talent in sports or singing, hell most of the time I act like more of a guy than a girl and I thought he really liked me. My phone began ringing. I grabbed it and looked at the caller id, noting that it was Jason. Picking up I answered, “What the hell do you want?”

“Look, baby I’m sorry those guys ruined it for us. I didn’t know Marty was your brother,” Jason said quickly.

“For one Marty is not my brother and two you are a lying, cheating, no good SOB. Stay the hell away from me,” I said.

“Baby, no I would never cheat on you. I know I haven’t said it out loud, but I love you Jenn,” He said smoothly. How did I fall for his shit before? I mean he is slick with his words and I never noticed before.

“Go straight to hell Jason,” I said hanging up before he could spout more words of fake love to me.

After another good cry I heard a knock on my door.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s me Danny. Can I come in?” He asked.

“Yeah I guess,” I said as I wiped the tears off my face. Danny came in and set on the edge of the bed.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been here to protect you from shit like this,” he said looking very guilty.

“Danny, I am a big girl. No, I didn’t know what he was doing to me, but I have to learn on my own. You can’t step in my way everytime I might make a mistake. That goes for the guys too,” I tell him sternly.

“Yeah, that’s something else I want to talk to you about. Stay away from Marty, got it,” he told me and I laughed out loud at him.

“Are you serious? Now I can’t even be friends with my friends?” I asked, not even for a second considering his demand.

“No, it’s just that he, he took last night a little too personal for my taste,” Danny said.

“Good grief Danny of course he did. You all did. Jason was going to screw me over literally,” I told him and he cupped his hands over his ears.

“Please for the sake of my sanity do not mention you in the same sentence with anything sexual,” he said looking as if he were in pain.

“Quit being overprotective and get out of my room so I can get dressed,” I told him. It’s definitely a sweatpants and T-shirt day for me. I feel like shit and I will dress accordingly. Putting my hair in a sloppy bun, I didn’t even bother with make-up. Rather, I just washed my face to clear all the tears from all over my face. Slowly making my way down stairs I heard the doorbell ring. I noticed the guys all sitting in the kitchen look to me.

“Yeah I’ll get it,” I said. Answering the door I was met with an older man holding a huge bouquet of pink roses. There had to be at least 50 roses in this vase.

“Delivery for a Jenn Castanza,” he said.

“That’s me,” I said in shock.

“Enjoy,” he said as he nearly shoved the giant bouquet of Lillies in my hand and stalked off toward a bright yellow van.

As I walked into the kitchen all the guys were staring at me like I was growing extra heads. All of them except Marty, he refused to even look my way at all.

“Who are those for?” Danny asked.

“Me,” I replied dryly. Marty’s head swung up quickly to look straight into my eyes. What is his problem? Walking over to the counter, I sat the vase down and plucked the card from the middle. Turning around, I leaned against the counter sighing before opening the card.

I will never be able to express how terrible I feel. I know I screwed up. Please just give me 5 minutes. LU-Jase

Staring me in the face was his elegant script. It was too perfect just like him all the sudden proclaiming his love for me when he was in deep shit. Without realizing it I guess a few tears had escaped because one splashed onto the card smearing Jason’s writing. Feeling a hand on my face I look up into Marty’s  concerned chocolate brown eyes. His palm was caressing my cheek.

“Are you okay?” he asked with so much sincerity in his voice it almost caused more tears to fall. Clearing of a throat caused Marty to suddenly back away from me before I could even answer.

“Jenn, are you okay?” Danny asked. Swiping the back of my hands across my face wiping the evidence of tears away, I nodded.

“I just need…,” I couldn’t finish that thought because I don’t know what I need. Dropping the card, I took off toward the one place I feel safe; my pines.


I am so feeling bad for her right now...

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