Chapter 29- Love, Lies, and Deception

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Chapter 29

Danny was still in the coma that had stolen nearly a month of his life thus far. Tricia had begun to spend nearly every waking moment at his bedside. His mother went back to work, because for one Tricia hardly ever left and working at the hospital she was never more than a minute away from his room. Not to mention the fact that the family would be lucky not to get evicted due to non-payment if she didn’t work.

 Tricia is currently using a wet cloth to wipe Danny’s face. She couldn’t keep from studying his facial features. All of the bruising and swelling from the accident was nearly gone. He had a strong jaw line, a prominent nose, and high cheek bones, eyelashed longer than any other man she had ever seen but he managed to pull them off without looking feminine. His lips were full, with the lower one being just slightly fuller than the top. Just looking at his lips reminded her of the last time she felt them run across hers. She remembered the way that each caress of his soft lips left hers delightfully swollen and red. Remembering their last physical meeting, she couldn’t help running her fingers over her own lips.

“I need you to come back, Danny. I need you to wake up. I am so sorry for all the mean things I said about how you were with all of those other girls. Just please wake up. I can’t take much more of the waiting. I’m going crazy here,” she said as she stared down at his unmoving face. Reaching over the bedrailing, she leaned down and kissed his cheek softly.

“I love you Daniel Castanza. I have loved you since I moved to this place. If you just wake up I will never avoid you again,” she told his still form. She felt the stress of the day catching up with her as her eyes began to feel heavy lidded. She lay down on the empty bed in his room, which was designated for whoever was staying with him at the time. Before she knew it sleep had taken her over.

Daniel heard some beeping noises and felt very uncomfortable. Why was he, he wondered? His eyes, which felt sore, opened to see that he was in a hospital room. He recognized the decorations in the room as being in the hospital that his mother worked at. No wonder he was uncomfortable. He tried to sit up from the position he was laying and found the pain that ensued to take his breath away, so instead he began looking around the room. He took a double take when his eyes landed on a blonde head. It was Trica. He couldn’t see her face but he knew it was her. She had the prettiest blonde hair he had ever seen. After laying there staring at her for a long while he began to feel like a weirdo for staring and looked away. He wondered what he was doing here and why Tricia was here instead of his family. Feeling bored stiff, unable to even sit up, he looked to the side and he could reach the tv button on the side of the bed, but would he wake Tricia if he turned it on? He didn’t want to chance it. No telling how long she had been here with him. Maybe she had been here all night even, he thought. The door to his room slowly opened revealing his mother. Her eyes lit up at seeing him lyng there awake. Danny knew she was getting ready to squeal and wake up Tricia so he put his fingers to his mouth to quiet her intended noise. He pointed over to Tricia. His mother looked over and seen that Tricia was fast asleep on the other bed in the room. She walked up to the side of his bed and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

“We thought you would never wake up, honey,” she said in that voice she used to use when he was a sick little kid. It was comforting to Danny to be treated like a kid, but he would never admit to that.

“How long was I out and what happened to me? I feel like I was hit by a Mack truck,” he asked his mom. He saw sadness etch across his normally very young looking mother.

“You were hit by a vehicle sweetie,” she told him. His eyebrows both rose at the information she gave him.

“My car?” he asked already knowing the most likely answer.

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