Chapter 32- The Virgin

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Here ya go folks. I have to get back to homework now! But Marty and Jenn will most likely be in the next chappie alot!!


Chapter 32-

Tricia’s POV

Wow, I am exhausted. It has been a crazy day. Today, I went to the local community college to enroll in my classes for the upcoming fall semester. At least since I still don’t know what I want to do with my life I am taking all the prerequisite classes that everyone has to have regardless of their major or minor. After taking a shower to wash the day of yuck off of me, I felt energized. Looking through my closet I wanted to find something that Danny would like; I mean really like. When he gives me that open-mouth staring, it causes a bolt of thrill to shoot through me not to mention what it does for my confidence. He gets me so hot and bothered sometimes I think about breaking my promise to myself that I will wait until I am married to actually do the deed. My parents aren’t religious or anything like that, but it just seems like the ultimate gift you can give to the man you are spending the rest of your life with is to remain pure until the wedding night.

Maybe its all the talks my mom has had with me over the years. She said the only thing that really made her sad when she married my dad was that she couldn’t offer him a virgin bride; though it was no faults of her own it still saddened her. I guess that’s why I always felt so strong about not having sex in high school. It’s like I can make her proud by doing what she would’ve like to have done. But when Danny is touching me its difficult to think straight.

Finally, I thought to myself. I pulled out a cute little white stretchy cotton summer dress. It was super comfortable and clung to every curve my body had, enhancing some of them. Throwing on some gladiator sandles I put a little mousse in my hair and styled it. The cherry on top would be the tinted lipgloss that you guessed it tastes like cherry. Doing a turn in the mirror I decided this was the best I was going to look tonight.

15 minutes later I was knocking on Danny’s door. He was getting around with the crutches pretty good so I figured it would be good for him to answer the door. He pulled the door back quicker than I though he would. He was standing on his crutches staring at me with his mouth nearly on the ground. Yes! That was the reaction I had intended to see. Giggling I reached up to his face and pushed his chin back up.

“Drool much Castanza,” I sometimes call him by his last name when I want to tease him. He smirked at me, but said nothing, which is weird for him. We made our way into the living room where we usually spend most of our time together. He lowered himself carefully down onto the couch and I sat right next to him with our legs touching. We watched the end of a movie that I am guessing he had already been watching before I got here. When it was over he leaned into me taking his hand to circle it around to the back of my head and hold me in place as he kissed me sweetly. Before I knew it his left hand was on my knee and his kiss was turning more possessive. Then he was gone, pulling away from me causing me to frown in displeasure. He smirked again and pulled my feet over onto his lap. I was starting to get worried he would hurt his leg. He gently unhooked each sandle removing them from my feet. He began rubbing my feet one by one causing moans of pure unadulterated pleasure to fall from my lips one after another.

After spending several minutes on each foot, he stood from the couch.

“Danny, your crutches,” I warned him, not wanting him to push himself and reinjure his leg.

“Hush woman,” he said with a smile as I raised my eyebrow at his use of words. Normally, I would make him regret talking to me that way, but now I am too curious.

He put his arms under me like he was going to pick me up.

“Danny, you can’t do this you will be back in the hospital,” I squeal.

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