Chapter 6- Being Sad

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This is a warning...sad chappy folks. Bear with me I will try to have another chapter out within the next week or two.


Chapter 6

Running as fast as I could now glad I wore sweatpants and running shoes, tears were blurring my eyesight. Before I even made it to my pines, the tears combined with my lack of balance caused me to fall flat on my face. Rolling over onto my back I lay there and just cry. It’s amazing how many tears one person has. My life is so screwed up. When I was little I imagined that my dad would come back one day and walk me down the isle as I married the man of my dreams, which at that time was Marty. Still crying, I actually let out a laugh. Marty is so ingrained into my life he would never, ever see me as someone to marry.

As I lie there with tears still streaming down I heard something. It sounded like someone walking slowly. The tall grass I was lying in camouflaged me from whomever it was, most likely Danny. Peaking up through the grass I notice that Marty is walking toward my pines. What is he doing? It looks like he is sneaking over there. Suddenly, he stopped walking and it seemed like he was bending down, looking for something. Is he looking for me in the pines? Finally, he turned and I ducked down into the tall grass hoping to not be spotted.

“Where are you, Jenni?” he yelled out to me. Huffing out a big breath I stood from the grass.

“Here,” I said loud enough for him to hear me, but it wasn’t necessary since he seen me right away.

He ran over to me looking me over like he was looking for injuries.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I don’t know. What are you doing out here?” I asked. His face turned a little flush. I quirked my head to the side wondering what was up with him.

“I was worried about you and Danny told everyone just to give you some space so they are gaming. I just couldn’t leave you alone. I read the card from the flowers,” he admitted. This caused me to feel defensive. Crossing my arms in front of my chest I raised my eyebrow.

“And?” I asked.

“Well are you going to see him?” he asked.

“I don’t know what to do. He has been so good to me and I think he is the best I can do. I mean look at me I am a mess. No other guy wants to be with me other than hanging out. They all think I am awesome to hang with, but none of them are into me, not one. What’s wrong with me?” I begged of him to tell me.

“Not a damn thing. You are beautiful. The reason guys never wanted to be with you is because we always made sure they knew you were ours. But now that we have been gone you got with the worst of players. What’s wrong with you? The problem is that you are every guy’s wet dream. You look damn fine in cut off shorts, you cuss, spit, ride four-wheelers, get muddy and dirty without a care, and you have the biggest heart of anyone I know,” he said all of this with so much conviction I almost believed him.

“You are just saying all of this because you have to, because you are Danny’s friend,” I said. He began shaking his head with a huge smile on his face.

“That’s where you are wrong. If Danny knew I said that to you he would make me match the way Jason probably looks today,” he said as he moved closer to me. The way he was looking at me I thought he might kiss me, but this was Marty. His hand stroked my cheek again like he had in the kitchen earlier.

“Marty,” I breathed out. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and stepped away from me dropping his hand away.

“If you are okay, I should get back before Danny figures out I came after you,” he said.

“I will be fine. I just need some time alone,” I said sadly. After Marty was out of sight I made my way to my pines and sat against one of them. My eye lids began feeling really heavy. It felt like I was floating on clouds. As I tried to open my eyes, I felt arms holding me. Someone must be carrying me. When I finally forced my eyes open I saw my big brothers face.

“Danny?” I asked.

“Hey, I was going to carry you back to your room,” he said as he sat me on my feet.

“Thanks,” I said. We were now walking side by side.

“Danny, why did you tell me to stay away from Marty? He has always been around just like the other guys,” I said. He huffed and puffed.

“Unlike the other guys he has a thing for you. You may not see it but I do and I am not taking chances with him hurting you,” he told me.


This was a sad part I know...coming up things will start moving forward.

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