Chapter 25-Stubborn

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Here is the update you all have been asking for.

That video to the side is Jennifer...


Ch 25

Sitting in her room, I began to take it all in. Apparently, miss Tricia was smarter than she led on. Her room is filled with accomplishments. She had several medals aligning her walls for everything from math to business to writing awards. She acts kind of ditsy sometimes, but she is really smart I wonder why that is? Getting up off her bed I went over to look at the pictures she had on her desk. There was one of her and my sister laughing so hard it looked like they had no idea someone was taking a picture. Another picture she had was her and some guy in a uniform. The picture was taken from behind the solider and it showed the intense sadness on her face as she hugged herself to him. Obviously from the picture she didn’t want to see him go. Is this why she became so emotional with me and what happened between us? She has a man already and that is why she refused me. What if her man died while he was gone? Maybe that is why she cried when I tried to get with her.

Just as I was about to give up and leave her room she said, “He was so excited to go.”

I turned to her and looked at the longing look on her face.

“Is he?” I couldn’t ask her if he was dead, the words just wouldn’t leave my mouth.

She looked at the floor and nodded. “He died in a road side bombing in Afganistan last year. That’s why I was gone for a week from school, but you wouldn’t remember that becausae you were away at college.”

I didn’t know what to say to her, but I just felt like I had been an utter ass bomb by taking advantage of her while she was obviously heartbroken.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know,” I told her.

“The only person that knew was Jenn and I asked her not to say anything to anyone. Everyone at school just thought I had a sickness and was out,” she said. Walking over to her I hugged her to me as she cried a little into my chest. Stroking her hair I let her get it out of her system for a while and then I asked, “How long were you with him?”

She sniffled and pulled away from me with a confused look on her face. “What do you mean?”

Now I was the one that looked confused. “Well how long were you a couple before he you know, got killed?”

“We weren’t a couple Danny, he was my cousin Chris. We were like brother and sister growing up. When I was little we were next door neighbors then when we moved here eventhough we were hundreds of miles apart we never lost touch. When he died its like he took a piece of me with him,” she said with intense sadness. Her words cut me worse than any others I have ever heard. I tried to put myself in her positon if I ever lost Jenn I don’t know what I would ever do. It would be like losing a piece of me.

“I’m so sorry Tricia,” I said. Then I couldn’t help but wonder once again why would she cry and run away from me. I had to ask her and clear things up between us.

“Why did you run away from me last night?” I asked her. She looked completely exhausted and deflated as her shoulders slumped and she sighed as she sat on the bed.

“Because the famous woman hopping Daniel Castanza was going to use me and throw me away like yesterday’s meatloaf, just as you have done with many others,” she said not meeting my eyes. “I’m not that kind of girl Danny,” she said almost angrily.

“Who says you are like any of those other girls? I know you aren’t an easy girl, but that doesn’t keep me from wanting you. So maybe I haven’t ever had to chase a girl, but I am just a man afterall. What guy wouldn’t take all that attention those girls offered?” I asked trying to make my argument.

“Don’t you see that’s just it! I want to be with someone who loves me and wants me for more than what I might be capable of in bed,” she said exasperatedly.

“What do you mean by might be capable of?” I asked her because it was confusing to me. Doesn’t she know what she is capable of? She blushed a deep red seemingly embarrassed.

“Nothing I meant nothing,” she said turning away from me.

“You need to go, Danny. If its Jenn you are worried about I will tell her I am fine and you are forgiven now please go,” she begged. I can’t believe she is just dismissing me after the passion I saw in her. I may have been drunk but I know what I saw; something I have never seen or felt from any other woman even with my apparently infamous experience.

“I told you I wasn’t going anywhere,” I said with a slight tilt to the corners of my mouth. She turned back to me with a vengeance.

“Yes you weren’t going anywhere until I told you why I cried; well I told you so leave,” she said arrogantly.

“Changed my mind,” I said sitting back on the edge of her bed.

“What do you want from me Danny? I told you what you wanted,” she said annoyed as she walked near where I was sitting on her bed. Grabbing her hips I pulled her down on my lap as she frowned at my action, but she didn’t run away.

“What do you want from me,” she whispered with her eyes closed. Leaning in to kiss her shoulder lightly she leaned into my kiss as I said, “Maybe I just want you.”


What will Tricia do...Run or give in

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