Ch. 6 Safe For Now

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The nearest police officer took thirty minutes to get to us. The elderly couple left as soon as he got here. Our parents had to keep going down the freeway until they found a exit so it was going to take them awhile to get here. I can't believe that psycho almost killed us.

"So I have all the statements. All I can do for now is look out for the car you described but without a license plate it will be difficult but I'll try my best," the police officer said, as he looked over the notes he wrote down.

I just nodded, not really paying attention to what he was saying. Alyssa kept staring at all the cars that were speeding by us. The only time she said anything was when the officer asked her questions, since then she kept quiet. I shouldn't have made her share a car with me. She would have been fine.

"Do you two need a ride to a gas station or something?"

I shook my head. "No our parents should be here soon."


I groaned. The car probably needed repairs. It would need a paint job and who knows what else. That idiot banged up the car pretty good.

"He's not going to stop until he gets what he wants."

I stared at Alyssa. She continued to stare at the cars passing by. I knew she was right. The police couldn't do much without a license plate or a suspect. This guy doesn't seem to be threatened by the thought of police being involved or he wouldn't have gotten us in this mess.

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. I was ready to tighten my arms around her if she tried to pull away but surprisingly she didn't. She wrapped her arms around me instead. This would be our first hug since junior high. I actually miss this.

"It's going to be fine. I'm not about to let this guy get what he wants."

I felt her squeeze after I said that. When we heard a honk, we pulled away from each other. I couldn't help but notice the blush that she tried to hide by moving her hair near her cheeks.

I looked over at the car that honked at us. Our parents finally made it. Aly's parents immediately jumped out of the car and ran toward us. My parents looked a bit upset as they walked towards me.

"Are you guys okay?" Mr. Cunningham asked as he hugged Aly. I just nodded, not knowing what to tell them. Did they know about Aly's stalker?

"Yeah dad, we're fine, just a little shocked is all," she replied when her mom went in for another hug.

I looked at my parents. They seemed to be in shock also and kept looking at Aly with a frown. There is no way they would know about the guy unless her parents knew and told them on the way here.

"We should check on your car Landon. We might need to call someone to get it out of the woods if it doesn't start."

I lead my dad to where my car was, not that he needed me to show him. All he had to do was follow the tire tracks. You could definitely see the dents and scratches on the car. I didn't notice them before because all I was thinking about was getting Aly to safety.

"So, what exactly happened with you guys?" he asked, as he examined the damage around the car.

"I guess we cut off someone and it pissed them off," I lied, shrugging my shoulders. I can be a very convincing liar when I want to be.

"We both know that's bullshit Landon. What really happened?" he bellowed, crossing his arms and glaring at me. I sometimes forget that nothing gets past my dad.

"Well this guy decided that he wanted to get rid of the competition so this was his way of warning me," I confessed. We would be here all day if I continued to lie.

"Is it true? Does Aly have someone stalking her?" he growled, glaring at a tree behind me.

I wasn't surprised that my dad was beyond pissed. He was a private investigator so sometimes he was asked by police to find out who the stalkers were when someone files a report. There are just some cases police can't solve by themselves.

"Yeah," I replied, opening the car door to see if the car would start.

"Do you have any idea who it might be?" he questioned.

I thought about everyone we went to school with but no one stood out. Who ever it was, they got a hold of my phone number and Aly's email address. They're following her where ever she goes so they don't have a job. It had to be one of our classmates. Someone she knew and may have lead on.

"So far no one comes to mind," I muttered, knowing my dad could hear me.

When the engine roared, I grinned. My car was able to start and may be drivable. There would be no need for anyone to come out here and pick it up. My dad walked around the car and got in the passenger seat. I slowly reversed back to the freeway. Everyone gasped at the sight of my car. The damage probably looked worst out in the sunlight.

"Well I think your car can make it to the next pit stop we have so continue to follow us. If anything suspicious happens, call me," he said, before getting out the car to meet up with the rest of the adults.

I watched the Cunningham's hug Aly one last time before getting back into the car with my parents. They waited until Aly got into my car before they took off. It was silent for awhile before Aly spoke.

"I'm sorry about your car," she mumbled, as she switched the radio and went through the stations.

"It's okay. The car has been through worse." I lied. This would be the first accident it has been in. I'm usually a careful driver since my parents made me promise that I would pay for any damage done to the car.

My phone vibrated in my pocket as I followed our parents to a Shell gas station. When I parked my car by a gas pump, I pulled out my cell phone to read the text message.

Next time I won't be so nice. I suggest you stop getting cozy with her.

I scrolled down a little to see a picture attached to the text message. It was a picture of me and her hugging on the side of the freeway. How could I not notice that someone was watching us. The crazy bastard was near by and I didn't even know it!

"Are you okay Landon?"

I looked at her. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"Okay. Well I'm going inside to get something to drink. Did you want me to pay for the gas?"

"Sure. Here's twenty for the gas."

When she got out of the car, I banged my head on the steering wheel a few times. This was not part of the plan. There shouldn't be some guy stalking Aly and claiming that she's his. I need to do something about him. During the time that I wasn't talking to her, I became very observant. I knew every single person she talked to. One of them had to be her stalker. They had to be.

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