Darkening Path

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Susato Mikotoba entered Baker Street with her friends at her side and a laugh upon her lips. It was an uncommonly fine day in Britain, as if the fog and rain had abated in order to greet Susato and her family to their stay in the nation. They had arrived in London only a short while ago—about two months hence—and were settling in wonderfully.

"Did you have a nice time at the market?" Yujin said as they entered.

"Yes! The shops are so lovely. There were so many delicious treats and so many beautiful hats!" Susato enthused.

She had been wary when they first embarked for Britain, considering what had drawn them to the country in the first place, but days like this eased her nerves. Days like this, when she could see her adoptive brother, Kazuma Asogi, living his life the way people normally did. Smiling and laughing and enjoying things. Rather than plagued by the death of his father and dreaming of revenge, as he had been doing for the past decade. Even though it was to chase after the beast that had slain his father that had drawn them out to Britain in the first place.

Kazuma was behind Susato, talking animatedly with their friend, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, who sighed and stumbled as he entered, a bag bursting with items clutched in his arms. Kazuma laughed. Susato's smile strengthened. Then stiffened as she noticed the expression on her father's face.

"If only you had stayed out just a bit longer," Yujin said quietly.

"Why's that, Father?" Susato said.

"Oh! Susie! Runo! Kazy! You're back. I'm so pleased!" Iris shouted, rushing towards them with a huge smile on her face. She grabbed Susato's hand and started to drag her towards the living room. "You have to meet my daddy!"

"But...Mr. Sholmes is here every day," Susato said, brow crinkled with confusion.

"Oh, no, not Hurley. My real Daddy!" Iris said with a bright grin.

As Susato entered the living room proper, her gaze first landed on Herlock Sholmes, then shifted towards a figure standing by the hearth. She gasped. While Sholmes was an uncommonly tall man, the man beside him surpassed his height. His build was notably impressive, his face stately, his brow severe. Pale skinned, blue-eyed, with swept back purple hair. He carried a strikingly noble mien and regal air. He turned towards Susato as she entered and he offered a polite bow. Then his stare shifted to Iris and a smile broke across his face, chasing away the intimidation from his features and ushering in a sense of warmth and charm.

He knelt down and hugged Iris to his chest as she rushed into his arms. He lifted her easily and stood back up, her arms clasped around his neck. Now that their faces were directly beside each other, Susato could see the resemblance. The blue of their eyes, something in their features, a faint tug of similarity, although Iris was only yet ten, so her face was soft and round, unlike her father's chiseled appearance.

"This is my daddy!" Iris said.

"Klint van Zieks. A pleasure to meet you," the man said.

"Susato Mikotoba," Susato offered with a bow, but she could not quite shake the stunned feeling that gripped her. She had not expected something like this. She had not even heard anything about Iris's father or caught a glimpse of him during their stay at Baker Street until now.

"Doctor Yujin's daughter, then! What a privilege to make your acquaintance," Klint said, his accent rather posh.

"You know my father?" Susato said.

"He is the one who named my Iris," Klint said.

"And entrusted her into my most excellent care," Sholmes said. "It is a most unusual surprise that you should finally put in an appearance in my darling daughter's life."

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