Cats With iPhones Part 2

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Graystripe: Hello?
Leafpool: Hey
Firestar: HELLO
Sandstorm: oh no...
Darkstripe: Every time...
Longtail: ikr?
ZebraStripesButStillACat: Hello everyone!
Sandstorm: What are you up to now, Squirrelflight?
ZebraStripesButStillACat: I'm jumping into the Thunderclan camp
Sandstorm: SAY WHAT NOW?!
Leafpool: Mom...
ZebraStripesButStillACat: I'm taking a shortcut
Sandstorm: NO!
ZebraStripesButStillACat: YOLO!
ZebraStripesButStillACat: Ow..
ZebraStripesButStillACat: I'm okay! :D
Sandstorm: ...
Leafpool: ...
Firestar: COFFEE!
ZebraStripesButStillACat: Dad...
Firestar: CATMINT!
ZebraStripesButStillACat has left the chat
Sandstorm has left the chat
Longtail: I'm out
Longtail has left the chat
Leafpool has left the chat
Firestar: CAFFEINE!
Darkstripe has left the chat
Graystripe: WAFFLES!
Firestar: NO NO NO NO NO NO!
Graystripe: ;-;
Graystripe has left the chat
Firestar: guys?
Firestar: I should have told them I was kidding sooner...

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