Oldest to the Rescue

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Hey to all of the readers I'm Kia-Catherine Depp, the oldest daughter of Johnny Depp I'm almost 25 years old and I don't really know where to begin. I was born in Germany but grew up in Canada with my mother her husband and my two brothers. I was always a shy kid, but if I got to know people better I was loud and extroverted. My mother had in 1997 a short relationship with Johnny Depp my biological father she knew she couldn't stay in the US, so she moved back but made sure my Dad still is in contact with her because of me. The years past by and I became a young independent woman, my dad always saw in me himself when he was younger, my mother says this too. I decided to become a soldier after I graduated from university for education, to be honest my dad didn't like the idea of me becoming a soldier but he couldn't change my opinion on that. In 2015 my Dad married Amber she was young, she's only 11 years older than me and I always see her as a sister or something like that. My younger siblings Jack and Lily stayed equally with the dad and mother, but my sister decided to quit school when she was 15 years old and became a model for Chanel in Paris. My brother Jack is still in school and I support him because he is really smart and clever. Our father  married on his Ireland with a little group of family and friends, Lily didn't show up because she didn't  like Amber and to be honest I was deployed, lucky moment for me but dad for my father. I came back in late 2015 to spend time with my dad, but to my surprise Amber wasn't luck about that. Jack was ales somewhere else, and I stood there in the penthouse of my dad looking around in old pictures with Vanessa, I love her so much my mom and her are Friends and spend many days together which Amber didn't like. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and voilà my dad looked at me with a bandage around his finger and a light blue eye but only in boxer shorts. I looked at him worried that's not my dad, something has happened here. "Hey, Dad" I said almost whispering, he came to me never losing my eyes and holding his arms wide open
Baby, how are you?" he asked me while I fall in his arms "I'm good when I'm with you dad but what happened to you?" I asked him he didn't answer right away he carried me over to the couch and looked at me "Your mom wasn't wrong you are my twin" he said smiling "Dad what happened to your finger and eye ?" He looked away, and I touched his face to make him look at me, "What happened?" He told me that Amber accidentally hit him while swimming in the pool, "Don't tell me lies Dad!" I said he swallowed hard and told me that he had a fight about 3 days ago with Amber. I was getting angry, "To be honest I told you she's evil and also a narcissist, let her go!" He stood up and walked to the window his back was facing me "Baby I can't, I love her, I just don't want to end it" he said, I hugged him from behind "Dad she's hurting you if she really loves you she wouldn't hurt her husband, no one would hurt someone they love!" I said and saw his tears that the second time I saw him crying in my life. He left and took a shower, to my surprise I didn't see Amber around. My dad came down showerd and clothed and took my hand, and we left

L=Lily, M=Me
Me:Lily? 📞😐
L=Hey, sissy, what up?
Me=Call me, now!!!!
On the phone
L=Hey, how is dad doing?
M=He's hurt, she hit him and cut his fingertip off!!!
L=Omg, are you ok?
M=Yes, I want Vanessa her!
L=I call mom!

L=Mom is on her way to Los Angeles she said you should call her :)
M=Thanks sissy, later

On the phone with Vanessa
M=Hey, nessa we have a problem!
V=I know, I heard that from lily and Jack, I'm on my way to you guys who is johnny doing?
M=He okay I would say he off to the doctors because of his finger but I haven't seen amber yet!
V=She's in Russia some premier we are safe I call you when I'm in LA, love you baby :)
M=Love you too, bye

Back home

I spent my time with writing exams for my trainee as a soldier when my brother rushed in the yard and hugged me my dad followed and sat down quietly.
M=Jack, has something changed her?
J=Kinda, why?
M=because I'm worried about someone
Dad stood up and left...
J=I know mom is coming?
M=Yes, lily and I called her and amber is for 5 days in Russia.
Jack nodes his had and went back in to watch a film with my dad when lily came home and joined them as well.


Vanessa is her and Dad is  asleep, we told her everything we knew and she cried.
We heard footsteps and it was dad.

D=Vanessa, what are you doing here?
V=Our kids called me and I know that's going on, Johnny.
D=Nothing is going on here everything is great, Jack, Lily go upstairs, please!
Lily and Jack left us three alone
V=I know it's not easy for you Johnny but I'm worried about the father of my kids I don't want you to get hurt, please!
Dad looked away and went outside to smoke. Vanessa left and told us she's returning tomorrow for a trip to Disneyland.
I didn't know what to do and suddenly the phone rings
M=Depp here
A=Is johnny around?
M=Well yes but he's sitting outside I'm sorry.
A=Okay let him now I'm coming home in 2 weeks I got a job here.
M=I will, goodbye Amber
I went outside and kneeld down to my dad who was sitting in a chair smoking.
I looked into his eyes and saw he was frustrated, sad and overwhelmed.
I put my hand on his knee to let him know I'm there.
D=Baby? I, I can't help myself to get out of this marriage.
M=Dad, Vanessa is here for you she's coming in tomorrow and please talk to her, I can't see you always this sad.
He looked at me and I sat on his lap to hug him we spent hours outside just to hold each other.
Lily and Jack seem to be asleep which is perfect.
D=Yes, Baby?
M=Promise me that you will talk to Vanessa and get help, Amber is toxic.
D=I will talk to Vanessa.
M=Could I sleep in your bed tonight?
D=Of course you can, come on let's go to sleep.

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