Trial Against Amber

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After 11 days in France with my family my Dad decided to get divorced. We didn't thought t about it but his Therapist opened his Eyes he said. He called his lawyer and everything was done. Amber wasn't liking that idea but it has to be done they can't life like that. She told him she will get to court and stuff like that which did not surprised us at all. In 2021 Amber became a mother which was no surpaie because she always wanted a child but Dad was done having kids. They went to court and she lost now she has to pay him money back. I was back in Germany to teach new soldiers, lily was getting another movie done and Jack he finished school. Everything was like it was before no drama in the household but it can't always be that way. Suddenly I got a call someone told me my dad is in the hospital I should come I called lily and let her know because she's in Los Angeles.  I booked a ticket and flew over to Los Angeles lucky Vanessa picked me up and we drove to the hospital where Jack was sitting outside Dads room.
J=Mom, Mom, please dad can not die!!. He screamed and cried I never saw my brother like that, never. I sat down and he put his head in my lap I stroked his hair after awhile he fell asleep. Lily came out the room with the doctor. He left us and lily cried.
V=Lily what happened? Lily sat down on the floor and told us what actually happened.
L=Dad went to the eye doctors bc he could not see on his healthy eye and after the doctor told him he had to get surgery he went home but Amber was at his house and gave him pills we don't  know why she was there but we figured she left her passport, I don't know what to do Mom.
V=Okay what did the doctor said to you about his condition?
L=He said he will be okay but his eyes are really sick..
V=I always knew his left eyes is sick but both?
M=I knew he was sick on both sides he told me years ago that he had to get surgery to implant a line in his eye but Amber had something against that, he sufferd for years. Jack woke up but didn't talked to us we stayed at the hospital only lily and vanessa left to get home and some clothes for Dad.
I was on my phone when Jack started talking.
J=Is Dad going to survive? I looked at him.
M= I think so he has to get surgery Jack.
He smiled and enacted to see dad.
I talked to nurse and she let us stay in dads room until he wakes up. We walked in the room and Dad was slepping. Jack sat on my lap after a bit Vanessa and Lily returned to us. Lily was smiling at us and Vanessa gave us food. We heard someone trying to talk and vanessa rushed over to Dad.
V=Johnny slow done everything is okay your in a hospital. He lokked at Vanessa like a baby. He looked over to us and smiled.
He told us that he needs surgery and we nodded. The doctor made  sure that he gets  fixed.
2 months later
Dad is back on tour his eye surgery was a sixcess he's back to normal. I quit my job and moved to Los angels because my mom hasn't still called me. Vanessa is back in France with Lily and Jack is home and studying for his diploma.
After 4 years Dad and Vanessa became a couple again they couldn't stay separated. They also got married, finally after long years together and lily became a mother of a baby girl to be honest her daughter looks like herself it's a twin. I decided to move away to my abut Crissy and gave birth to twins bozjs look like my Dad I guess the genetic strong. My Brother is married  and happy playing in a band over in France.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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