Bad Days

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I don't know what happens but I woke up in the emergency room. I looked around but couldn't figure out where I was. I tried to find my dad but no one.
I started to cry and to shake really bad after a while I started getting problems to breath my asthma is so bad. I heard someone talking.
D=Doctor, J=Johnny
D=Hello, I'm doctor Maks and I will fix you. He looked at me and smiled my dad wasn't there so I didnt talked. He looked at me and asked my if I can speak I smiled but couldn't bring a word out of my mouth. I heard a familiar voice it's my dads.
I cried heavy and my dad put his arm on my chest.
D=She broke her arm but doesn't have to get surgery, lucky one.
J=I'm happy we don't have time for that.
I closed my eyes and still cried.
I got a black cast with the word "Savy" written on it and pain medication.
D=Does she have any allergies against medications?
J=No but she has autism and take pills for that.
D=That's not a Problem, you guys can leave and get the medication on the front desk, take care young girl.
My dad took my hand and we left the hospital.
I sat in the car with my head leaning against the window.
D=Darling are you alright? He stroke my leg.
M=I'm ok I want to go to Mom.
He looked at me and nodded his head but knowing it's not possible.
We arrived at the house and I cried still I got upstairs and fell asleep.
Dad decided to fly to France where Vanessa and my sibling stay on the boat. My dad and I flew over the ocean to get to them.

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