Talking To Him

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I told Dad that I will stand by him but he has to split up with Amber. He didn't liked the idea of leaving her but It can't go on like that he suffers and gets hurt. Vanessa and lily and Jack left to Disneyland that means only Dad and I at home. I suggest that we leave to go and spent time on the Ireland he brought years ago just to get away from Los Angeles for a bit.
At night
Dad=D, Me=M
D:Well you said earlier you want  to leave to go to the Ireland!
I walked around to dad's bed and sat next to him
M=Well yeah if you still want.
I climbed under the sheets and looked at him suddenly he turned the TV on.
D=i think we leave tomorrow bc I got free time.
I nodded my head and fell asleep.
Next morning
I woke up to an empty bed but heard screaming.
M=Please stop the SCREAMING Amber can you talk in a normal tone for ones no one screams aside from you! She looked at me but kept screaming even dad didn't payed attention to her.
M=Amber? Ms.Heard lower your voice for one's, seriously, please it hurts.
She looked at me and left the room.
D=I packed our stuff do you need something?
M=Yeah my asthma spray, baby pill and autism pills, did you pack those already?
He looked at me and got through the bag to hold up the asthma spray and baby pill but not the autism pills.
D=I call kipper no problem, honey.
I nodded and went to change into comfortable close for the flight.
He came back and smiled and told me Marylin is bringing the pills over. I smiled bc I haven't seen my godfather in 3 years.
Suddenly the doorbell rings
D=Hey old men how are you?
Mm=I'm fine how are you and why do you need those now? The talked and came I to the kitchen where I was on the phone . Marylin stared at me.
D=It's your Godchild.
Mm=Wow you grown up last time I saw you you were fighting with Jack about food. And now your a woman.
M=Well people grow up old men.
Mm=Do you have autism? I read it on the pills.
I looked at dad.
M=Yes since I was 4 years old but got diagnosed just last year.
He nodded and dad smiled at him.
I smiled and hugged him he gave me my pills. And Marylin left us. At around 2 pm we left to get our flight to the Bahamas.

And hello to the readers😂👋

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