Johnny Aka German Men

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We decided to do some walking around and I have to say my dad looks like a German tourist, I'm half American and half German so I know the outfits.
My dad and I went to our house and relaxed on the beach while my dad was calling Amber I decided to get in the water and take a swim. Dad waved at me and I walked up to him.
D=Hey don't forget the sunscreen and your pills, please
M=I will take it, thanks but I'm going inside its to hot here.
D=Umm, Amber is coming later is that OK? I looked at him
M=Yeah but no fights or screaming, please.
I eat dinner with dad and he talked to me about his new film coming up which is interesting. I told him that I really want to go to Australia bc I love to do an aupair year. He smiled at me and give me an eye wink.
I went outside to relaxe with my MacBook. I got tired of watching movies and turned off the MacBook.
D=Hey, Darling, how are you?
A=Hey, darling I'm fine how is she doing? Amber looked to me.
D=She's great actually more relaxed.
A=Amazing and I'm not screaming so.. I stay only tonight I got a job, Johnny.
D=That's okay.
Dad came outside to sit next to me and figured out I was asleep he stroked my hair back and kissed my head I leaned closer to him knowing it's my dad.
M=I love you daddy. I mumbled while sleeping.
D=I always will love you, you're my first born daughter I started breathing when you were born. And to be honest I would love to have spent more time with you.
Amber looked to Johnny and left to get to the bedroom to sleep to be honest she was to tired to fight today.
Next morning
I was still laying in my bed and my dad layed next to me.
M=Dad why aren't you with Amber?
D=I decided I don't feel like it yesterday.
M=Okay is she gone already?
D=She left that's what she messaged me.

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